DEP’s Bureau of Clean Water often receives public inquiries related to permitted facilities and the data they report. To improve public access, DEP has created several reports that include the most commonly requested information. Unless otherwise specified, the reports on this page include information for CAFO, sewage, industrial waste, stormwater, and MS4 permitted facilities.

  • Chapter 92a/NOI Annual Fees | (Instructions)
    A report identifying all Chapter 92a annual fees (individual NPDES permits) and NOI annual installment fees (general NPDES permits). This report also identifies if, and when, a fee was paid and provides a link to the DEP’s ePay website for paying these fees electronically.
    It is searchable by permit number(s).
  • Permitted facilities | (Instructions)
    A report identifying facilities with NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and WQM (Water Quality Management) permits.
  • Individual NPDES permit documents | (Instructions)
    A report identifying facilities with individual NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits that have been issued by DEP and links to PDF representations of the permit documents.
  • Permitted facility treatment
    A report identifying the treatment processes at facilities with NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and WQM (Water Quality Management) permits.
  • Wastewater facility inspections | (Instructions)
    A report identifying the inspections conducted, the violations noted, and the related enforcement actions executed by DEP’s Clean Water Program, including NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and WQM (Water Quality Management) permitted wastewater facilities, and unpermitted facilities.
  • Wastewater facility violations
    A report identifying the violations noted and the related enforcement actions executed by DEP’s Clean Water Program, including NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and WQM (Water Quality Management) permitted wastewater facilities, and unpermitted facilities.
  • Wastewater facility enforcement actions
    A report identifying the enforcement actions executed by DEP’s Clean Water Program, including NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and WQM (Water Quality Management) permitted wastewater facilities, and unpermitted facilities.
  • MS4 permitted facilities | (Instructions)
    A report identifying the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits and waivers issued by DEP.
  • eDMR data | (Instructions)
    A report identifying monitoring data submitted electronically by facilities registered with DEP’s eDMR (electronic Discharge Monitoring Report) system.
  • DEP approved list of chemical additives | (Instructions)
    A report identifying DEP’s approved list of chemical additives.