Agricultural Advisory Board

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Established by Act 11 of 1993, Amended by Acts 220 of 2002 and 162 of 2018.

The board is called the Department of Environmental Protection Agricultural Advisory Board.

Established under Title 27 Pa.C.S.A. Chapter 7.

The board advises the DEP on agriculture in Pennsylvania. It reviews and comments on policies, guidance, and regulations. Recommendations are not approvals. Input from the public and non-voting members is encouraged.

The board includes:

  • Chair and minority chair of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees, or designees.

  • One representative each from:

    • Pennsylvania Farm Bureau

    • Pennsylvania State Grange

    • Pennsylvania Farmers Union

    • PennAg Industries Association

    • Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

    • Pennsylvania State University

Representatives, appointed by the Governor for three years, must earn most income from their sector. Two must have a CAFO permit. Categories include:

  • Dairy, livestock, poultry, grain, fruit, and vegetable producers

  • Ornamental horticulture, sustainable agriculture, and agribusiness representatives

  • Representatives from the agricultural chemical industry

Ex-officio members include one representative each from:

  • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

  • USDA Farm Service Agency

  • Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (deputy secretary or higher)

  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (deputy secretary or higher)

Members are unpaid. Travel expenses are reimbursed according to state rules.

Each voting member gets one vote. Ex-officio members do not vote. Legislative designees can vote and act on behalf of their members. Voting by conference call is allowed.

Voting members elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from specified groups. No one can serve more than two consecutive years.

A. The Chair leads meetings, calls special meetings, appoints committee chairs, and fulfills other duties.

B. Terms run from January 1 to December 31.

The DEP provides necessary staff. Their tasks include notifying members, recording minutes, handling correspondence, and more. They do not vote.

The Chair creates necessary committees. They also appoint committee chairs and can dissolve committees when done.

A majority is needed for a quorum. Members on calls count as present. Meetings are called as needed. Notices follow state law. Procedures follow Robert's Rules of Order.

Changes require a two-thirds vote and prior notice.

The board acts as one. Only the Chair speaks for it.

Missing two meetings prompts a notification to the organization.