The Environmental Education Grant Application must be submitted through the Electronic Single Application (ESA) website. Paper and faxed copies will not be accepted.
User Tips
- Electronic Single Application works best when accessed through Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
- Save frequently.
- If you allow your screen to sit idle for more than 30 minutes, you will lose the data entered since the last save and will have to re-enter it.
- Fields with a "
" are required fields. If a required field is skipped, you will be notified later in the application to return to the affected section to complete the field.
- Do not use special characters such as \, /, *, &, %, #, etc.
- If you have questions completing the application, please contact the Enterprise eGrants Customer Service Center at 1-833-448-0647 or email Their hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST.
- Please refer to the 2026 Environmental Education Grants Program Manual for specific program guidance. Should you have questions involving development of the proposal, completing the required Scope of Work and Detailed Budget forms or submitting acceptable Letters of Commitment, please contact This email is unable to provide assistance accessing and/or completing the electronic application.
- The 2026 Environmental Education Grants Program will begin accepting applications in August 2025. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. on November 15, 2025. Early applications or those submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
1. Registration and Login
- Go to ESA login page and follow the instructions for creating a new account, or login with your existing account.
- Write down and save the Username and Password you have chosen. You will need this later for your grant documents.
2. Begin a New Application
- Project Name – Enter the name of the project.
- Do you need help selecting your program – Select “Yes”
3. Select Program
- Under “Agencies”, click on DEP.
- Select the appropriate “Use of Funds”
- Click “SEARCH”
4. Apply
Scroll down through the various grant offerings, locate “Environmental Education Grants Program” and click on the “Apply” link.
5. Applicant Information
- Select the applicant entity type and fill in the applicant’s (business, organization, school district, university, etc.) official (legal) name. For instance, if a teacher is submitting a proposal, enter the name of the school district. If unsure of the legal name, check with the organization’s business office. Do not use a fictitious name.
- NAICS Code: Use the drop- down box to select the organization’s focus. The NAICS code will be automatically inserted.
- FEIN Number (Federal Employer Identification Number): Enter the applying organization’s nine-digit number. If unknown, contact the organization’s business office. Do NOT enter Project Director’s personal SS number.
- UEI Number: Unique Entity Identifier. Enter the applying organization's unique 12-character alphanumeric identifier which is assigned to all entities that conduct business with the federal government.
- Top Official/Signing Authority - In this block, enter the authorized representative of the organization.
- Title: Enter the title of the top official/signing authority
- SAP Vendor #. Enter, if known. If unknown, contact the organization’s business office. Note: The SAP Vendor Number is not required at the time of application. It is required to process the contractual Grant Agreement.
- Suggestion: Establishing an SAP Vendor number may take time, delaying the processing of the contractual Grant Agreement. If the applying organization does not have an existing SAP Vendor number, you may wish to consider beginning the process. To begin this process: Using Microsoft Edge or Chrome internet browser, open the Office of the Budget website at Click "For Vendors", "Vendor Registration," "Non-procurement" and complete the sections of the Non-Procurement vendor registration process.
- Contact Name: Enter the primary contact's name for this project. The contact may or may not be the same as the Project Director. The contact will be copied on all official Grant Center correspondence.
- Contact Title: Enter the primary contact title for this project.
- Phone and Fax: Enter the phone and fax numbers for the primary contact title for this project.
- E-mail: Enter the e-mail for the primary contact for this project.
- Mailing address, City, State and Zip Code: Enter this information for the primary contact for this project. This may be different than the mailing address of where the project will take place.
- Enterprise Type: Select the appropriate type.
- Click on “Continue."
6. Project Overview
- Project Name – The project name (title) will auto-populate.
- Is this project related to another previously submitted project – Select yes or no. If yes, explain.
- Have you contacted anyone at DEP about your project – If so, please indicate yes and indicate who.
- Is your community certified through Sustainable Pennsylvania? Select yes or no. If yes, what level?
- Are you interested in applying for multiple funding sources for this project? While only application per project is permitted, by answering “Yes”, you will be able to submit an additional application for a different project.
- Site Locations – default setting at 1. Only needs filled in if more than one site location exists for this project.
Click on “Continue”
7. Project Site Location(s)
- Address – Enter the applicant's mailing address (street address) P.O. Boxes are not acceptable.
- City, State and Zip Code – Enter the information.
- County – Select county from the dropdown box.
- Municipality – Select municipality from the dropdown box.
- PA House, Senate and US House – These fields will auto-populate based on the information entered above. If a Legislator is not auto-populated, please vistit:
- Designated Areas – Leave blank.
Click on “Continue”
8. Project Narrative
- Complete the project narrative section by describing the project and its expected outcomes.
Click on “Continue”
9. Program Budget
There are two tabs on this page which needs to be completed, the Spreadsheet and Basis of Cost.
Budget Spreadsheet Tab
- Click on the Spreadsheet tab
- Complete the Budget Spreadsheet tab, entering the amount of Grant funds being requested for People, Travel, Resource and Other Costs.
- Click on “Add funding source.”
- Source Name: Enter “Match.”
- Use the drop-down to select the best Source Type (Private, Local, State, or In-Kind).
- If multiple Funding Source Types (Federal, Cash and In-Kind Match) will be provided, repeat the process for each Match Source Type.
- Click on “Save”
- Click on "Save," then Click on “Continue”
Basis of Cost Tab
- Click the Basis of Cost Tab
- Provide a brief narrative of the cost of each requested item
- Click on "Continue"
10. Program Addenda
- Applications requesting $10,000 or more in grant funds are required to submit a completed Worker Protection Form.
- Download the Worker Protection and Investment Notice (relating to Executive Order 2021-06)
- Download the Worker Protection Form
- Upload the completed Worker Protection Form
- Project Organization's Name - Enter the full legal name of the applying organization (DO NOT ABBREVIATE).
- Project Director Information – Provide project director's name, email and telephone number. The project director serves as the point of contact for proposed project, including program content and budget. The project director coordinates grant activities and communicates with the applying organization.
- Project Title – Enter the name of the proposed project (Do not enter the Project Director’s Title.)
- Project Priorities – For each Priority, (Water, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Other) use the drop-down and select “Yes” or “No.” Note: If “Yes” is selected, the project proposal must fully explain how the project will address each of the selected priorities.
- If Environmental Justice is “Yes”: Enter the number of people (audience), excluding presenters, the project intends to reach;
- Use the drop-down to select the percent of the audience who live and/or work in an EJ area; and
- Verify the EJ Area(s) by listing the city and nine-digit zip code(s). Use the PennEnviroScreen tool to verify EJ areas:
- If Environmental Justice is “Yes”: Enter the number of people (audience), excluding presenters, the project intends to reach;
- Project Type – Use the dropdown to select “Yes” and/or “No” (Non-formal and Formal). Non-Formal education projects engage any audience. Formal education projects address PreK-12 classroom curriculum.
- Grant Track – Select the grant track (Mini grant, General Grant Level I, or General Grant Level II).
- Where is the project located? – Select applicable river basin or statewide.
- If the project is located in more than one river basin, – Select additional river basin location(s) where the project will take place.
- Watershed where project is located. – Indicate the watershed(s) where your project is located. Find the watershed(s) here.
- Project’s Latitude and Longitude location(s). – Provide the Latitude and Longitude information for each project location.
- Appropriate entity type. – Use the drop-down arrow to select the applying organization’s entity type.
- Select your region. – Use the drop-down arrow to select the applying organization’s DEP Region. Click on the Region link for assistance.
- Grant Linkage – Use the drop-down arrow to select “Yes” or “No” indicating if the grant application and/or its scope of work is related to any of the following: another DEP EE Grant proposal; a DEP Growing Greener Grant; a currently or formally funded DEP EE Grant; or another Grant Program. If “Yes” to any of the selections, explain in the space provided.
- Subcontractors – Provide the subcontractor’s name, Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) and explain the work to be performed. If a specific subcontractor is not yet identified, DEP must be contacted before the subcontractor may begin work.
- Project Proposal - Create and upload a project proposal seven (7) pages or less.
- Scope of Work - Download a copy of the Scope of Work form and instructions. Complete the form and upload to the application.
- Detailed Budget Sheet - Download a copy of the Detailed Budget Sheet. Complete and upload to the application.
- Letter(s) of Commitment - Download and review the instructions, then upload letter(s) of commitment.
11. Certification and Submission
The application must be certified, by an authorized, electronic signature. This signature attests that the organization is supportive of the proposal and that the grant funds will not supplant existing funds.
- If your application is incomplete, under the orange “Application Certification” heading, it will state, “The following sections are incomplete. All required fields marked with a red diamond
must be completed before you are able to submit this application.”
- Under the orange “Application Certification” heading, it will state, “The following sections are incomplete. All required fields marked with a red diamond must be completed before you are able to submit this application.”
- To add/correct the information, click on the section heading to return to the applicable application section.
12. Complete the following fields:
- Indicate certification of application information by checking the related checkbox under the Electronic Signature Agreement.
- Indicate identity as one of the following:
- I am the applicant
- I am an authorized representative of the company, organization or local government.
- I am a “Certified” Partner representative
- Type your name in the “Type Name Here” block. This will serve as your official e-signature and authorizes your application.
- Check the “Electronic Attachment Agreement” box.
- Click on “Submit Application.”
13. Application Receipt Verification
- If you want a copy of your application, click the “Print Entire Application with Signature Page” link.
- You will always be able to view your application with the user-name and password you created at the beginning of the application.
- Make sure to note the Single Application ID#. All future correspondence from the Department will reference this number.
- You do not need to send the signature page and/or any further documentation to the Grants Center. All the information needed is contained in your on-line submission.
Congratulations! You have completed the on-line application.