Environmental Education Grants

Letter of Commitment Instructions

Letters of Commitment must be uploaded and submitted electronically, with the EE grant application. Letters forwarded directly to the DEP will not be considered.

The applying organization and/or its Partners must provide a Letter of Commitment (not Letter of Support*) documenting contributions to the project. The cash and/or in-kind contributions should appear as Match on the Detailed Budget sheet.

*Letter of Support: Unlike a Letter of Commitment, letters of support are typically provided by individuals or organizations that do not have an active role in the project but believe the project will have a positive outcome. The EE Grants Program requires a Letter of Commitment be provided.

The Letter of Commitment (not to exceed 2 pages) shall be submitted and include:

  • Date
  • Name of Organization applying for an Environmental Education Grant
  • Title of the proposed Project
  • Name and address of the organization providing the commitment
  • Type of Commitment (Cash and/or In-kind Match)
  • Monetary value of the Commitment
  • Description of the Commitment
  • Valid Signature and Title by an individual authorized to make a commitment on behalf of the organization

Description of the Commitment

Explain the organization’s role in the project including tasks and/or items to be provided. Some examples include:

  • Cash Commitments: “Partner name will provide $500 to pay for Facility rental fees;” or “Applying organization will provide staff wages ($1000: 50 hours @ $20/hour) to implement the project.”
  • In-kind Commitments: Partner name will waive facility rental fee ($250);” or “Partner will provide programming assistance ($400: 20 hours @ $20/hour) to support delivery of 2 community watershed programs in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023."

Sample Letter - Applying Organization(opens in a new tab)

Sample Letter - Partner Organization(opens in a new tab)