Letters of Commitment must be uploaded and submitted electronically, with the EE grant application. Letters forwarded directly to the DEP will not be considered.
The applying organization and/or its Partners must provide a Letter of Commitment (not Letter of Support*) documenting contributions to the project. The cash and/or in-kind contributions should appear as Match on the Detailed Budget sheet.
*Letter of Support: Unlike a Letter of Commitment, letters of support are typically provided by individuals or organizations that do not have an active role in the project but believe the project will have a positive outcome. The EE Grants Program requires a Letter of Commitment be provided.
The Letter of Commitment (not to exceed 2 pages) shall be submitted and include:
- Date
- Name of Organization applying for an Environmental Education Grant
- Title of the proposed Project
- Name and address of the organization providing the commitment
- Type of Commitment (Cash and/or In-kind Match)
- Monetary value of the Commitment
- Description of the Commitment
- Valid Signature and Title by an individual authorized to make a commitment on behalf of the organization
Description of the Commitment
Explain the organization’s role in the project including tasks and/or items to be provided. Some examples include:
- Cash Commitments: “Partner name will provide $500 to pay for Facility rental fees;” or “Applying organization will provide staff wages ($1000: 50 hours @ $20/hour) to implement the project.”
- In-kind Commitments: “Partner name will waive facility rental fee ($250);” or “Partner will provide programming assistance ($400: 20 hours @ $20/hour) to support delivery of 2 community watershed programs in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023."