Many Pennsylvania businesses are turning to solar energy to reduce operating costs, lower their carbon footprint, and promote resiliency and sustainability. On-site solar photovoltaics (PV) is a way to produce clean, renewable electricity generation for your business. Here are some resources to review when deciding to power your business with solar:
- The PA PUC Renewable Energy website provides facts and information about solar energy systems as well as the steps to take when pursuing solar energy for your business, such as who to contact at your electric distribution company to understand the process of interconnecting your solar project as well as searching for a solar system installer in your area.
- The US Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar Power Purchase Agreements (SPPA) factsheet provides information on the process of purchasing electricity from a solar PV system that is owned, operated, and maintained by a third-party developer if your business does not have space to host a large-scale array onsite.
- The Pennsylvania Solar Center offers assistance to nonprofits and businesses to learn if solar PV is viable for their businesses, including a searchable database by county on their website for installers.
- Solar Energy Industries Association has published a Guide to Land Leases for Solar which provides information on the leasing process involved in large-scale solar projects.
- For examples of projects, click here for a map of Pennsylvania based solar projects funded by the Energy Programs Office.
State Programs and Available Financing
- The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA), managed by DEP, finances clean, advanced energy projects, including solar. For more information and to sign up for announcements regarding future financial assistance opportunities, please complete the PEDA Grant Announcement Mailing List form.
- The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA), an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), has funded solar projects in the past, and may again in the future. Check their website for more information and to sign up for monthly industry-specific newsletters.
- Green Energy Loan Fund (GELF) has financing available for energy efficiency and energy conservation projects throughout the Commonwealth.
- The Small Business Advantage Grant (SBAG) through DEP offers funding for Solar Thermal Water Heaters.
- Some electric utilities in PA offer solar energy incentives under their Energy Efficiency & Conservation programs authorized by Act 129.
- Commercial-Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is a financial tool for property owners that offers low-cost, long-term financing for renewable energy projects in select counties.
- The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission oversees a monetary credit program called the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (AEPS). More information can be found at this website to register solar systems. See the latest AEPS report here.
Federal Programs
- Currently, there is a 30% federal investment tax credit available for residential solar systems through 2033.
- The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) provides information on incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency throughout the country.
Solar Technology Development
- The US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office provides resources and funding opportunities for businesses interested in collaborating with industry, universities, national laboratories, federal, state, and local governments as well as non-government agencies on developing solar technologies.
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory provides data and research information on solar technologies.
- The Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University works with businesses to develop clean energy technologies, including innovations in solar technology.