For incidents, such as thefts, acts of vandalism, threats and suspicious individuals, contact Capitol Police at 787-3199 (voice/tdd). For emergencies, contact 911.
- In the event you receive a terrorist threat or bomb threat at your work location, it is imperative for your safety and the safety of others that the police having jurisdiction for your area be contacted immediately. Refer to the back of the Commonwealth Telephone Directory for Bomb Threat Instructions.
- For your safety, do not leave briefcases, handbags, backpacks or other items unattended. If a suspicious package or item arrives in your office or is found in a stairwell or hallway contact Capitol Police at 787-3199 (voice/TDD) or the police having jurisdiction for your area.
- For more information, refer to Management Directive 720.7 - Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages.
- Do not bring valuable personal items into the office. Keep items such as wallets and purses locked up and out of plain view.
- When you are away from your desk, advise the appropriate staff of your absence, and if possible, lock your office door to protect valuable equipment from theft.
- Before going home at the end of a workday, secure items such as laptop computers in a drawer or cabinet. Turn-off electrical appliances such as coffee pots. Lock all doors.
- When a repairperson arrives in your office to work on equipment, ask for company identification.
- When going to and from parking lots/garages, walk with a group or utilize the buddy system.
- Have your car keys ready for immediate entry into your vehicle.
- Keep your vehicle locked while it is parked and while you are driving.
- Do not keep packages, etc. visible while your car is parked.
- Always be observant when walking to your vehicle. If you fear for your safety, turn around and go back to a phone and call for help.
- Always notify someone that you will be working late and give them a phone number where you can be reached.
- Capitol Police will provide an escort to your vehicle after normal work hours by calling them at 787-3199 (voice/TDD) at least one-half hour before you are ready to depart your work site.