Attention Construction Management Small Businesses:
New Procurement Training Tool for Contractors!
Want to learn more about how to do business with the commonwealth? Need to understand the difference between an RFP and and IFB? Curious about best practicies for responding to contracting opportunities? Want to learn when it's convenient for you? BDISBO has you covered. We invite interested small buisnesses try out the new Procurement Training Tool for Contractors. Watch short, information videos about contracting with the government, responding to solicitations, and more.
Goal Setting Virtual Workshop - Vendor Training
This training centers on the Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities’ (BDISBO) Small Diverse and Veterans Business Goal Setting Program. Based on recommendations following the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's 2018 Disparity Study, a Goal Setting process went into effect for all RFPs, RFQs and IFBs for Non-construction bids $250K and over, and Construction bids $600K and over. This program entails a process vendors must complete in order to be compliant with the mandated use of small diverse and veteran businesses as subcontractors on bid/proposals. The workshop will focus on outlining the programs and an overview of the process and the requisite forms to be completed. Training sessions will be offered via Teams on-line presentations.No RSVP Required.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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DGS Supplier Search Workshop
You are invited to participate in the DGS Supplier Search workshop given by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services’ Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities (BDISBO).
The training will focus on the basics of the supplier search process including recognizing the UNSPSC Codes Structure, accessing the DGS Supplier Search Database and searching for Small, Small Diverse and Small Veteran Owned Businesses to gain a better understanding of supplier search results.
The 30-minute sessions will be offered via Teams on-line presentations at 10AM on the following dates in 2024. No RSVP Required.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 257 068 708 982
Passcode: MZoGWv
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