​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Special Events at the Capitol Complex​

PA Capitol's Fountain

The Capitol Complex provides unique settings to host events such as weddings, art presentations, concerts, charity events, rallies, and press conferences. ​

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which type of events can I host at the Capitol Complex?
A: Public events are permitted in a content-neutral manner and may include rallies, exhibits, news conferences, protests, and other expressions of First Amendment rights by ​Pennsylvania citizens. Wedding ceremonies are also permitted after 4 p.m. on weekends. These events are not hosted nor planned by the Department of General Services (DGS), and permission to hold events does not constitute endorsement of the persons or organizations conducting the events, or the views or content expressed during such events, by the Department of General Services or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Q: How far in advance should I reserve an event space?
A: Please reserve your event space at least one week in advance of the event date.

Q: How do I book an event at the Capitol Complex?
A: Please visit this link to reserve space for your event. You must provide the event organizer's name, event time and date, contact information, event description, group size, amenities needed, and other relative information.

Q: How much does it cost to reserve space for an event at the Capitol Complex?
A: Reserving a space is free; however, event organizers are responsible for damage, equipment rentals, and additional security/traffic control. Event organizers also must purchase $1 million in event liability insurance and email the certificate of insurance to raspecialevents@pa.gov.

Q: What fees must I pay to hold an event at the Capitol Complex?
A: Fees are charged for security at a rate of $70 per hour per Capitol Police officer required. Event size may dictate the number of officers needed at the discretion of DGS. Security is required for after-hour events, events serving beer and wine, and weddings. If traffic control is needed at your event, Capitol Police officers are provided at a charge of $70 per hour each. A rental fee of $1 per chair is charged for weddings. In some instances, fees are charged to rent Commonwealth equipment and furniture. Please email raspecialevents@pa.gov for additional fee information.

Q: Am I responsible for taxes associated with my event?
A: Depending on the nature of the event, certain licenses and taxes may apply to your use of the assigned area. Users of space must, upon request by DGS, provide DGS with evidence of payment of all such licenses and taxes when applicable. Should you have any questions regarding these licenses or taxes, please contact DGS in advance of your event.

Q: Do I need to bring my own equipment?
A: Arrangements may be made with DGS to rent available Commonwealth-owned equipment upon payment of charges. The applicant should contact DGS at 717-783-9100 or raspecialevents@pa.gov to discuss availability, intended use, and charges. Equipment rental requests should be made at least one week in advance of the event/exhibit. A list of available Commonwealth-owned equipment and the charges is available from DGS upon request.

Q: Do I have to sign paperwork to hold an event at the Capitol Complex?
A: When requesting to schedule an event or exhibit, you will be required to sign an acknowledgment that the event organizer has read, understood, and will abide by the procedures governing the use of the public areas of the buildings within the Capitol Complex.

Q: Are there policies and procedures we must follow while using reserved space in the Capitol complex?
A: Yes, you must read the policies and procedures in Title 4 of the Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 86, and agree to abide by all of the conditions, restrictions, and prohibitions contained therein.

Q: Can I play music or schedule a band to play at my event in a Capitol Complex building?
A: A public event or exhibit within the Capitol Complex may not interfere with a legislative session or the conducting of public business by agencies of the Commonwealth. An event or exhibit may not threaten the safety and wellbeing of the individuals conducting the work of the General Assembly or Commonwealth agencies. Large bands, brass, or percussion instruments are permitted to play, but not within the Capitol Rotundas due to the volume of musical performances/instruments echoing through the rotundas and impacting the working environment of surrounding offices and operations – including legislative sessions.

Q: Can I serve beer and wine at my event?
A: Special permission must be granted by the Deputy Secretary for Property and Asset Management to serve beer and wine at the Capitol Complex. Please see this sample letter for an example of how to request permission. Please email your request to serve beer and wine in care of Kathleen Harrison at kaharrison@pa.gov.

Q: Am I responsible for property damage caused by my event?
A: Yes, any property damage caused during a Capitol Complex event is the event organizer's responsibility. Anyone who reserves space for an event is responsible for cleaning and returning the assigned area to its original condition as it existed prior to the event/exhibit. Any cost incurred due to damage caused during an event is incurred by the party who reserved the space.

Q: What if I am injured during my event?
A: If you book space in the Capitol Complex, you waive your right to sue or hold the Commonwealth responsible for injuries, property damage, or any other harm that might occur while using the Capitol Complex.

Q: What if my entire party doesn't vacate the premises after my event ends?
A: Should anyone in your party not vacate all or a portion of the assigned area by the approved ending date and time, DGS is authorized to remove from the assigned area, at the reserving party's expense, all goods, wares, merchandise, signs, and property of any kind, which may be occupying said area, when the term has expired, and to dispose of it within DGS's sole discretion. DGS is released from all such claims for damages arising out of its action in this regard.

Q: Will DGS have access to my event?
A: DGS employees and event staff shall have access to the entire assigned area during the Event/Exhibit for the purpose of supervision and inspection. The keys to the building shall always be in the possession and under control of DGS.

Q: Can the Department of General Services (DGS) cancel my event at the Capitol Complex?
A: DGS reserves the right to cancel or terminate an event/exhibit under the following conditions:

  • Improper Use: If the assigned area is used improperly.
  • Property Damage: If the event/exhibit causes damage to the property.
  • Unusable Area: If the assigned area is rendered unusable due to damage from riot, fire, explosion, elements, or other causes.
  • Governmental Needs: If the assigned area is needed for governmental purposes.
  • Policy Violations: If there is sufficient cause for termination as per the Department's policies and procedures in Title 4 of the Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 86.
  • Security Threats
  • Health Emergencies

If DGS cancels the event/exhibit in advance, fees will be waived, and any advance payments will be refunded. In other cases, DGS may retain all or part of the fees at its discretion. No claims for damages or compensation will be entertained due to such cancellations.

Q: How do I make an illumination request to light the Capitol building certain colors in response to specific occasions and timeframes such as days, weeks, or months?'
A: A Capitol light request must be submitted through a special event request. Requests should include details such as the occasion, preferred colors, and the duration of the lighting display. Approval or denial of requests will be communicated in a timely manner. For day recognition requests (e.g., Women's Day) the Capitol will be lit in the respective colors for one day only. The Capitol will be lit in respective colors for a maximum of two consecutive days for week and month requests (e.g., Pride Month). External requests for specific colors on designated days must be submitted well in advance to coordinate for approval.

Q: How do I tour the Capitol?
A: Please visit the PA Capitol tour page.

Q: What are the fees to rent the Forum Auditorium?
A: The fee for a nonprofit event is $650. The fee for a for-profit event is $1,400.

​Use of the public areas of the Capitol Complex is governed by PA Code Chapte​​​r 86 and use of the Forum under PA Code Chapter 87.  Individuals and organizations interested in hosting an evenshould read the relevant PA Code chapter to understand what limitations may be placed on events held at these venues.  

Information on Weddings at the Capitol Complex

  • Due to Capitol tours, all weddings held on the weekend must be scheduled after 4:00 PM.
  • A $200.00 fee is required for Capitol Police security. This can be made payable to: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • Payment must be received at least one month in advance of the event.
  • Remit payment to:
    Special Events Office
    401 North Street, Room 415 NOB
    Harrisburg, PA 17125
  • You can rent chairs from the Department of General Services for $1.00 per chair.
    The chairs are white plastic folding chairs with a fan back.
    Payment arrangement for chairs is the same as listed above.
    You may use an outside vendor to supply your chairs, you wish.
  • Purchase of one million dollars’ worth of General Liability insurance for the day is required.
    Insured: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Main Capitol Building, 501 North 3rd St., Harrisburg, PA 17120.
  • Guests should enter the building through the Main entrance on 3rd Street. Handicapped individuals enter through the Commonwealth Avenue entrance. 
  • Please note: This door is locked on weekends there is a call box by the door. An officer will open the door for these guests.
  • Rose petals or other types of decorations must be picked up immediately after the ceremony. 


To schedule your event, please use our online request form on the events calendar page. ​

Anyone can request to light up the Capitol for specific times.

  • For a single day, like Women's Day, it shines in relevant colors.
  • For a week or month, like Pride Month, it can stay lit for two days max.
  • On days without special displays, the Capitol defaults to white lights.

The Governor's Office can change this policy for holidays or special requests. Any changes to these guidelines require the Governor's Office approval.


​401 North Street
415 North Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17125​​​​​

Avai​lable Capitol Complex Event Space

PA Capitol's Fountain

​Located on Commonwealth Avenue by the entrance to the East Wing of the Capitol.

It can be reserved for press conferences, rallies and ceremonies. 

Capacity: 2,000 people

PA Capitol's East Wing Rotunda

​The central lobby of the East Wing of the Capitol is open to the public Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

The Rotunda may be reserved for press conferences, ceremonies, concerts and receptions.

Capacity: 150 people

The Forum Auditorium

 The Forum Auditorium is currently available for booking.

The historic Forum Auditorium is located adjacent to the Pennsylvania State Library in the Capitol complex. The Building was designed by architects William Gehron and Sidney Ross. The Forum building was dedicated on September 16, 1931. 

  • The Exterior: The building is constructed primarily of gray limestone. There are 22 bronze doors designed by Lee Lawrie. They are cast with figures depicting “man’s creative and re-creative occupations.” Inscribed above each doorway are famous mottos from our nation’s past. On the outside cornice of the building are noted names of Pennsylvania educators, philanthropists, and statesmen. On the eaves above those names are sculptured copper owls by Carl Paul Jennewein. 
  • The Interior: There are eight varieties of marble from Africa, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Tennessee, and Vermont. The designers of the wall and ceiling murals, Eric Gugler and Richard Brooks, wanted to depict the march of progress of mankind and the overwhelming majesty of the heavens. The maps and adjacent tablets on the upper promenade walls commemorate the socially-significant individuals who made famous the great period of each particular locale. The ceiling was painted on individual canvas sections and decorated with constellations and depictions from the Zodiac. More than one thousand stars are shown in their proper position. Three hundred sixty-five are of crystal glass, now illuminated by energy-efficient LED lights. These LED lights were retrofitted in 2008 as part of a Department of General Services Guaranteed Energy Savings Act, (GESA) project. It brought the eighty-year-old Forum Auditorium up to twenty-first-century energy efficiency standards. 
  • The Forum Auditorium's address is 500 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
  • The Forum Auditorium seats 1,610.
  • Forum Seating Chart
  • Tech Specs

South Irvis Lawn at the Capitol Complex

Located on the South side of the Capitol at Walnut Street and Commonwealth Avenue, this area can be reserved for press conferences and rallies.
Capacity: 5,000

The Keystone Building's Atrium

The Keystone building has a large atrium that is available for receptions and expos.

400 North St. Harrisburg, PA 17125

Capacity: 1,800

PA Capitol's Rotunda

​The ornate central lobby of the State Capitol Building is open to the public Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM; Saturday and Sunday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

The Rotunda can be reserved for press conferences, wedding ceremonies, concerts, and photo shoots.

Capacity: 150 people.

PA Capitol Steps

​Located on the West side of the Capitol at Third and State Streets.

The steps can be reserved for press conferences, rallies and ceremonies.

Capacity: 8,000 people

Soldiers Grove

Located behind the Capitol on Commonwealth Ave., this stately grove of Red Oak trees is dedicated to Pennsylvania Military veterans. The grove surrounds the Commonwealth's Congressional Medal of Honor Monument.

The grove can be reserved for ceremonies, press conferences, and other events.

Capacity: 200 at the semi-circular entrance, several hundred along the grove.