Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS)

Office of the Medical Director

The Office of the Medical Director provides statewide clinical mental health and substance abuse services leadership to all Department of Human Services (DHS) program offices.

The medical director is responsible for assuring all clinical programs for individuals with mental illness or substance abuse problems served throughout the Commonwealth by the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are of the highest quality, support a unified treatment system and reflect the OMHSAS commitment to facilitating recovery in adults and resiliency in children.

The medical director functions as the chief medical officer of the state mental hospital system and provides oversight to community services as the chief clinical officer. The medical director directs and provides clinical consultation and technical assistance with counties, state hospitals, managed care organizations, health maintenance organizations and specialty services, such as forensic, long-term nursing care, children, and the elderly; leads the development and oversight of the psychotropic state hospital drug formulary, the related prior authorization policies, and the inclusion of consumers, families and advocates in the administrative process.

Do you have questions or concerns?

Medicaid Participants

If you have any questions concerning a member's rights or you have a problem with your managed care organization (MCO), contact the Member Services department of your county's behavioral health MCO. 

Pennsylvanians not enrolled in Medicaid

If you are not in a Medicaid managed care plan contact your county mental health and intellectual disabilities office. You may also contact the OMHSAS field office near you. 

Request a Fair Hearing

Members enrolled in Medicaid have the right to request a Fair Hearing from DHS anytime a prescribed service or medication is changed or denied.


  • The Clinical Review and Consultation Division responsibilities include: 

  • Review Fee for Services requests for authorization of inpatient, partial hospital, residential treatment facilities for children, and Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services 

  • Review Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) requests for nursing home placements to ensure that those with an identified mental health issue can be effectively served within a nursing home 

  • Process requests for appeals of authorization determinations 

  • Participate in the review of complex cases, including the development of creative or alternative solutions when existing programs and services cannot meet the needs of the consumer 

The Emergency Behavioral Health Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Program consists of Disaster Behavioral Health initiatives including preparedness, response, and recovery activities at the county and state level. The Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, as well as each of the county mental health offices in the Commonwealth, have initiatives in place to help Pennsylvanians prepare for, respond to, and cope with the psychosocial and emotional consequences related to disasters and public health emergencies. The efforts involve collaboration and partnerships with other national, state, and local response agencies, including public and non-public sector partners. Efforts also include working with federal agencies to ensure a comprehensive, professional, disciplined, and coordinated behavioral health response for Commonwealth citizens who are victims of disasters.

the Office

Medical Director

Dr. Dale Adair
P. O. Box 2675
Harrisburg, PA  17105-2675