Medicaid for Older People and People with Disabilities

Pennsylvania's Medical Assistance (Medicaid) program provides health care benefits for older people (ages 65 and older), people with disabilities, or people who are blind. Information on this page describes general eligibility requirements and benefits

Non-Money Payment (NMP)

Number of People

NMP Categories Net Monthly Income Limit






Medically Needy Only (MNO)

Number of People

MNO Categories Net Monthly
Income Limits

MNO Categories Net 6-Month
Income Limits


$ 425

$ 2,550


$ 442

$ 2,650


$ 467

$ 2,800


$ 567

$ 3,400


$ 675

$ 4,050


$ 758

$ 4,550


$ 850

$ 5,100


$ 942

$ 5,600

Each Additional Person

$ 92

$ 550


State Blind Pension

State-funded program dedicated to helping low-income individuals and families who meet visual and other eligibility requirements move to independence. View additional information on the State Blind Pension program.

Healthy Horizons

Eligible persons may be eligible to receive help to pay their Medicare premiums. The Medical Assistance program (also referred to as Medicaid) includes a coverage plan designed to help elderly individuals or individuals with disabilities who are eligible for Medicare to pay some or all of their Medicare premiums. Individuals must meet income and resource limits. Income limits are based on a percentage of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIG), which are revised annually. Healthy Horizons includes the following:

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) — Categorically Needy Program

Also known as Healthy Horizons in Pennsylvania, individuals who qualify for these benefits are eligible for Medical Assistance payments of their Medicare Part A and Part B premiums and payment of Medicare deductibles and coinsurance. They are also eligible for medical coverage through the Medical Assistance program. Income and resource limits are as follows:

Number of People

2025 Federal
Poverty Level (FPIG)

Monthly Income Limit
(FPIG + $20 Deductible = Limit

Resource Limit


100 percent or less

$1,305 + $20 = $1,325



100 percent or less

$1,763 + $20 = $1,783



Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) — Medicare Cost-Sharing Program

Also known as Healthy Horizons-Medicare Cost-Sharing in Pennsylvania, individuals who qualify for these benefits are eligible for payment of their Medicare Part A and Part B premiums and payment of Medicare deductibles and coinsurance. Income and resource limits are as follows:

Number of Persons

2025 Federal Poverty Level (FPIG)

Monthly Income Limit
(FPIG + $20 Deductible = Limit)

Resource Limit


100 percent or less

$1,305 + $20 = $1,325



100 percent or less

$1,763 + $20 = $1,783



Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Program

Individuals who qualify for these benefits are eligible for payment of their Medicare Part B premium only. Income and resource limits are as follows:

​Number of People

2025 Federal
Poverty Level (FPIG)

Monthly Income Limit
(FPIG + $20 Deductible = Limit)

Resource Limit


At least 100 percent but less than 120 percent

$1,305 + $20 = $1,325
Less than $1,565 + $20 = $1,585



At least 100 percent but less than 120 percent

$1,763 + $20 = $1,793
Less than $2,115 + $20 = $2,135



Qualifying Individuals Group 1 (QI-1)

Individuals who qualify for these benefits are eligible for payment of their Medicare Part B premium only. Income and resource limits are as follows:

Number of People

2025 Federal
Poverty Level (FPIG)

Monthly Income
Limit (FPIG + $20 Deductible)

Resource Limit


At least 120 percent but
less than 135 percent

$ 1,565 + $20 = $1,585
Less than $ 1,761 + $20 = $1,781



At least 120 percent but
less than 135 percent

$2,115 + $20 = $2,135
Less than $2,380 + $20 = $2,400
