Developmental Programs for Providers

ODP Provider Qualifications

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has committed to the individuals who receive services through the Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers and to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that all waiver providers will be deemed qualified to provide their applicable services.

The guidelines for achieving qualifications are set forth in Appendix C of each waiver and must be met prior to rendering services. Qualifications are completed by the specialty and are done on a statewide basis.

In order for a provider to become qualified, the following must occur:

  • Complete standard ODP required orientation and training. To begin your qualification and training process, please follow the instructions on the DHS website by visiting the Applicant Orientation Registration(opens in a new tab) page.
  • Demonstrate compliance with ODP standards through the completion of a self-assessment and validation of required documentation, policies, and procedures.
  • To ensure compliance with these criteria, new provider applicants must submit a Certificate of Completion to show that they completed the orientation, as well as all documentation required to become qualified. New provider applicants who do not submit this documentation cannot be qualified. Note that the provider applicant's Orientation Certificate of Completion expires if the provider applicant is not qualified within 120 days of the date on the certificate. If a provider applicant's certificate is older than 120 days, the provider applicant cannot be qualified.
  • The qualification process for new providers UPDATE — ODP Announcement 19-044(opens in a new tab).
  • As ODP’s designee for provider qualification, the administrative entity will review the application and submitted materials and then make a determination whether the specialties of a provider applicant are qualified.