In accordance with 55 Pa.Code § 2600.64(a), prior to working as an administrator in a Personal Care Home (PCH), administrators must complete the 100-hour administrator training course and pass the associated competency test. Administrators must also attend PCH Administrator Orientation. Starting 7/1/2024, passing the Personal Care Home Administrator Competency Test will be a prerequisite for attending PCHA orientation. You will be required to upload your certificate of completion during registration.
Assisted Living Residence (ALR) administrators must complete the 100-hour course linked above, as well as a supplemental 15-hour course designed for ALRs. ALR administrators must also complete the ALR Administrator Orientation. Starting 7/1/2024, passing the Assisted Living Residence Administrator Competency Test will be a prerequisite for attending ALRA orientation. You will be required to upload your certificate of completion during registration.
Administrators are required to complete annual training hours as indicated by their regulatory chapters. All trainings listed in this section are approved for PCH and ALR administrators. Please see the appropriate Regulatory Compliance Guide for a complete list of approved trainings and sources.
- Administrator Annual Training Directory
- Free Annual Training for Administrators and Direct Care Staff - Northampton Community College - Spring 2025
- Mandatory Abuse Reporting Training
- Webinar: Use of Bedside Mobility Devices in Personal Care Homes and Assisted Living Residences—August 2023
- Webinar: Use of Voice Controlled Electronic Devices in Personal Care Homes and Assisted Living Residences — Oct. 2022
- Webinar: Developing an Effective Plan of Correction — Dec. 2022
All direct care staff persons hired after Oct. 31, 2007, who will provide unsupervised activities of daily living (ADL) services must successfully complete the course and pass the competency test in accordance with 55 Pa.Code § 2600.65(d)(2) and (d)(3) (relating to direct care staff person training and orientation). The course/test must be completed prior to direct care staff persons providing unsupervised ADL services.
Please ensure that you print out your certificate of completion before logging off, as it is the only proof provided regarding completion of the course/test.
Please also note that each individual taking the course/test must register individually with thier own email address in order to access the course. Please note that registering for the course and accessing the course is a two-step process that takes place on two different platforms.
The DHS Medication Administration Training Program is managed by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and administered by Temple University. The program runs on the Train-the-Trainer model. All unlicensed staff that administer medications in Personal Care Homes (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR) must be certified under this program.
All unlicensed staff that administer insulin in Personal Care Homes (PCH) and Assisted Living Residences (ALR) are required to complete the Medication Administration Training Program, as well as annual Department approved diabetes education program. Diabetes education must be performed by a Certified Diabetes Educator.
A Personal Care Home (PCH) that serves residents receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may be eligible for one of the following training scholarships. In order to be considered for scholarship approval, the PCH must submit a completed application, including all necessary attachments.
The training institution must submit a completed application, including all necessary attachments, to the Department for review and approval. For application materials, see Appendix A within the Bureau of Human Services Licensing Policies and Procedures below.
The training institution must receive a letter of approval from the department prior to offering the course of study.