Medicaid / Medical Assistance

Medicaid, also known as Medical Assistance (MA), pays for health care services for eligible individuals.


HealthChoices is the name of Pennsylvania's managed care programs for Medicaid / Medical Assistance recipients. Through managed care organizations, eligible individuals receive quality physical and behavioral medical care, as well as long-term supports. To learn more about available services, find information for participants and providers in the sections below:

medical professional taking blood pressure reading

​Physical HealthChoices

Providing timely access to quality medical care through Pennsylvania's Medicaid program.

​Physical HealthChoices
A group of people in therapy

Behavioral HealthChoices

Connecting people who receive Medicaid benefits with mental health and drug/alcohol services.

Behavioral HealthChoices
Elderly woman in a wheelchair and nurse smiling.

Community HealthChoices

Serving more people in communities rather than in facilities by providing necessary supports.

Community HealthChoices

HealthChoices Income Requirements
138% of Federal Poverty Income Guidelines

Household sizeAnnual Income Limits
Each Addt’l$7,590

Medicaid information for Providers

Providers and find detailed information on how to conduct business with the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) on our Medicaid Assistance for Providers section.

​Provider Billing Information

Use the resources below find information concerning common billing issues: 

Medicaid for Children with Special Needs (PH95)

Medicaid for Children with Special Needs (PH95) provides full and free Medical Assistance (MA) coverage to children up to age 18 with disabilities whose parents make too much money to qualify for traditional Medicaid categories.

Frequently Asked Questions about Medicaid

Medicaid covers a broad range of physical and behavioral health services, including doctor visits when you’re sick, preventive care like health screenings, vaccines, hospital stays, prescription medications, mental health and substance use disorder care, and more.

Check coverage details for:

If you apply for and qualify for Medicaid, you'll get more information about how to use your benefits and have the opportunity to pick a HealthChoices managed care organization (MCO), to help you coordinate your care. Your MCO works with providers, and you can contact your MCO to find doctors in your community.

If you are not eligible or lost your Medicaid/Medical Assistance coverage, you may be able to get low-cost or even no-cost health coverage through Pennie™, Pennsylvania’s o­fficial health and dental insurance marketplace.

Pennie’s open enrollment runs from November through January every year, but depending on your personal situation, you may qualify for a special enrollment period. 

Apply for Medicaid

You can apply online, in-person, on the phone, or through the mail.

Apply Online

Use our quick, easy, and secure COMPASS website.

Apply Online

Apply by Telephone

Call the Consumer Service Center for Health Care Coverage at 1-866-550-4355 


Apply In-Person

Your local county assistance office (CAO) have professionals that will help you apply.

Find You County Assistance Office 

Apply by Mail

Download, fill out, and print a paper application then send it to your local County Assistance Office.

Download a form (PDF)