Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board

Meeting Dates

PLRB Board Meetings & Agendas


​2025 PLRB Meeting Schedule

January 21 - Agenda
February 18 - AgendaMarch 18
April 101April 15May 20
June 17
July 15July 242
August 19
August 223September 16
September 244October 105October 21
November 18December 16 

Dates in bold are regular meetings.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. in the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board Room, Room 418, 4th Floor, Labor & Industry Building, Harrisburg, PA.

1 Last day to appoint fact finders under mandatory provisions of Act 88 (81 days prior to June 30).

2 Last day on which Board may appoint fact finders and last day to submit disputes to arbitration under PERA, if December 1 is used as budget submission date (130 days prior to December 1).

3 Last date on which Board may appoint fact finders and last day to submit disputes to arbitration under PERA, if December 31 is used as budget submission date (130 days prior to December 31).

4 Last day to appoint fact finders under PERA for Commonwealth bargaining units (130 days prior to February 1).

5 Last day to appoint fact finders for employers under Act 88 with fiscal year ending December 31 (81 days prior to December 31).