Pennsylvania's Uniform Construction Code regulations require the Department of Labor and Industry to approve the following when they are in municipalities (political subdivisions) that have opted out of UCC enforcement responsibilities:
- All commercial construction (construction involving buildings and structures other than one- or two-family dwellings three stories or less in height)
- Sign construction
- Demolitions
The Department also has sole jurisdiction for all state-owned buildings and structures, no matter where they are located.
Click here to access a listing of all of Pennsylvania's municipalities and to determine whether the Department has jurisdiction (all opt out municipalities) for any construction work you propose to perform.
The Department is also responsible for approving plans and inspecting construction for compliance with accessibility requirements, for all projects constructed in municipalities that do not have a State-certified accessibility inspector/plan examiner. The municipality where this construction will take place can tell you whether they are legally able to perform accessibility plan reviews and inspections.
For all projects within its jurisdiction, Department staff review and approve plans submissions, issue building permits, perform all inspections necessary to demonstrate compliance with the UCC technical standards and issue certificates of occupancy.
Construction projects must meet the requirements of 34 PA Code Chapters 401-405 and the technical standards found in the following codes that are referenced in this regulation:
- International Building Code 2018 (by reference requires all electrical work to comply with NFPA 70-2017 National Electric Code)
- International Energy Conservation Code 2018
- International Existing Building Code 2018
- International Fire Code 2018
- International Fuel Gas Code 2018
- International Mechanical Code 2018
- International Plumbing Code 2018
- International Residential Code 2018
- International Urban-Wildland Interface Code 2018
Beginning February 14, 2022, all reviews will be based on the 2018 code requirements with adopted provisions, unless the applicant submits a copy of a binding design or construction contract signed prior to February 14, 2022. This contract must be project-specific. That is, it may not be an open-ended contract for multiple, unspecified buildings and structures. This provision is applicable until April 1, 2019.
Whenever repairs, alterations, changes of occupancy, additions or relocation of existing buildings occur, a permit applicant must demonstrate compliance with provisions found in the 2018 International Existing Building Code. This applies only for legally occupied buildings (those that have an occupancy permit required under pre-UCC or UCC laws and ordinances). All plan approvals and inspections will be based on the code requirements elected at the time that building permit application is filed.
Some changes have been made to the adopted codes. Applicants are advised to consult the UCC regulation, particularly sections 403.21 through 403.26 and 403.28. Section 403.22 specifies that facilities regulated by the Health Care Facilities Act must meet construction requirements mandated by that act (and its regulations) and UCC standards. This section also requires the Department to withhold UCC building permits or occupancy permits, until applicants provide evidence that they have obtained Pennsylvania Department of Health plan and occupancy approvals for health care facility construction.
Application packages (plans and all other required submission documentation) are mailed to the Department. Please click here for fee schedule. Fees paid cover plan review and inspections.
The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Intake-staff receive application materials at our reception area on the 16th Floor of the Labor and Industry Building. The submission package is examined to ensure that all required information is included in the submission.
Application packages that are grossly deficient will be mailed back to the applicant. If the deficiencies are not extensive, the project will be stored in a temporary holding area, and staff will communicate with the applicant about items needed to complete the application package. If the requested information is not received in ten (10) calendar days, the plans will be returned to the applicant.
All complete applications will be assigned to plans examiners in the order of the dates received. After reviewing the drawings for code compliance, one of the following will occur:
- If the plans require non-design changes but otherwise comply with the UCC, one set of approved plans with the required changes marked in red will be mailed to the applicant, along with a UCC Building Permit and information pertaining to inspections. (A second set of approved plans will be delivered to the construction site by an L&I inspector, where it must be retained and provided to any Department code official, upon request).
- If the plans fail to comply in multiple areas or to a significant degree, the project will be rejected, and one set of plans will be mailed back to the applicant. The Department will include a list of deficiencies (this may be incomplete if the information presented was insufficient to make decisions about code compliance).
- If the plans are not approvable as submitted but do not demonstrate the level of deficiency described in case number 2, the Department will transmit a list of required changes (electronically, via regular mail or via fax) and request that three revised plan sets be prepared and submitted for approval.
- If the plan review is to be expedited and is deficient as described in case number 2, the Department will require the permit applicant to pay the expedited review fee again, upon resubmission, if the applicant wishes to continue with the expedited review process.
- If the plan review is to be expedited and is not approvable as submitted but does not demonstrate the level of deficiency described in case number 2, the Department will transmit a list of required changes via email and request that three revised plan sets be prepared and submitted for approval. The plan review will be suspended until the information needed to complete the review is received by the Department. If the information needed to complete the review is not received within ten (10) calendar days, the project will be returned. The Department will require the permit applicant to pay the expedited review fee again, upon resubmission, if the applicant wishes to continue with the expedited review process.
It is the applicant's responsibility to have the drawings corrected and resubmitted for plan review/code compliance. If there are any questions about the required changes or our code interpretations, call 717-787-3806 (at the menu, select "1" and then "3") and ask to speak to the plans examiner assigned to your project. He/she will discuss these issues and evaluate any options you may propose. On a case-by-case, the lead design professional may be invited to meet with plans examination staff, if this will facilitate review and approval of the plans.
Applicants shall return three sets of revised drawings, cloud changes, provide revision narrative and date all changes. If the applicant disputes any of the deficiencies cited, the resubmission should include written statements that explain the basis for the applicant's dispute. No additional fees will be charged for review of these resubmitted plans.
Should rejected plans not be resubmitted, it is the applicant's responsibility to request, in writing, a refund of fees paid. When requested, the Department will refund the fees, less the base application fee and any fees related to expedited reviews for new construction, additions or renovation projects. No refunds will be made of fees paid for other Department reviews.
D. Application Requirements: PHASED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS
When a construction project is on a tight timeline and a building owner needs to begin construction as soon as possible, the UCC regulations provide that he may receive permit approval to construct the foundation or other parts of a building or structure, before plans and specifications for the entire project are submitted for approval.
It is critical that customers understand the following regarding phased construction permits:
- Once a phased construction permit has been issued, the applicant must submit construction documents for total building approval, before any additional construction can occur.
- If granted, this limited approval does not guarantee that the Department will issue a permit for the remainder of the construction project.
- Generally, no revisions are allowed on work covered under the phased permit.
- A failure to fully describe on construction plans the extent of the work to be performed will be grounds for denial of this special permit.
The following items constitute a complete UCC phased construction application package:
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA.
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. Without this, we cannot verify that the Department has jurisdiction for this work. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA.
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost. Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings and specifications.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1', with sufficient detail to fully indicate the nature and scope of the limited work to be performed.
- A Code Analysis must be included on the first or second sheet of the drawings.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- A statement, dated and signed by the design professional and the owner(s) acknowledging each of the following:
- That the design professional is authorized to submit the application in this form.
- That the issuance of a permit for phased construction provides no assurance that the Department will grant approval of any UCC permits needed to complete the construction.
- That the design professional and the owner(s) assume full responsibility that the building or structure will fully comply with all UCC requirements before its occupancy or use.
- That the design professional is authorized to submit the application in this form.
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale not less than 1' = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades. (See also the Department's "UCC Plan Review Checklist" for additional requirements.)
- A fully completed copy of the Department's UCC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST (UCC-2). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-2.
Failure to include this or to fill out the list completely will delay review of your application and may be cause for return of the entire application package without review. If an item on the list does not apply, indicate this by placing "NA" on the check-off line.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
E. Application Requirements: ACCESSIBILITY PERMITS
As noted above, the Department is responsible for approving plans and inspecting certain commercial construction projects for compliance with the accessibility requirements of the UCC. The affected projects are those that will be constructed in municipalities which have opted to enforce the UCC but do not have a construction code official certified (by the Department) to perform accessibility reviews.
When filing for UCC permits issued by municipalities, applicants should check to see whether they must obtain accessibility approvals from the Department.
If Department approval is required, the following must be submitted:
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost. Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings and specifications.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer. (An unlicensed person may prepare construction drawings for the alteration or remodeling of a building, if no compensation is paid for their preparation and the construction will not involve changes in the building's structure or means of egress.)
- Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1', with sufficient detail to fully indicate the nature and scope of the work to be performed.
- Provide a Code Analysis on the first or second sheet of the drawings. Justify numbers for all accessible elements based on use and occupancy. Be sure to address parking, seating and dwelling/sleeping unit requirements. Click here to view an example of a well-done analysis.* Note particularly the accessibility and the plumbing sections in this analysis. (The Department thanks James E. Rappoport, R.A., of Daroff Design + DDI Architects, for his kind permission to utilize the design analysis he prepared as part of the application package for the PennDOT Welcome Center on I-95 in Lower Chichester Township.)
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer. (An unlicensed person may prepare construction drawings for the alteration or remodeling of a building, if no compensation is paid for their preparation and the construction will not involve changes in the building's structure or means of egress.)
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1" = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades.
- One copy of the Department’s ACCESSIBILITY CERTIFICATION DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (form UCC-30). This form must be obtained from the Building Code Official in the municipality where the construction will occur. Please note that, if this form is not included with your application, your application will be returned as incomplete.
(Building Code Officials: see the Department’s Advisory on Accessibility-Only Plan Approvals and Inspections for further info on this requirement and to access a copy of the UCC-30 form.)
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
F. Application Requirements: ALTERATIONS-LEVEL 1 PERMITS
The Department has a simple application (see below) for building permits that allow certain alterations to legally occupied buildings under its jurisdiction.
Generally, a UCC building permit can be approved based on this application when the work to be done involves the removal and replacement or the covering of existing materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures using new materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures that serve the same purpose.
In addition, the Department allows the use of this application when the following construction will occur:
- Adding windows or doors (if these will not affect building egress or make changes to fire-ratings).
- Restoring or replacing a building facade.
- Roof replacement, including minor related work such as removal of non-functioning equipment.
- Modification or installation of typical secondary members (e.g., lintels, equipment supports, etc.).
- Minor alterations or replacement of existing pathways which are part of an accessible route.
- Minor alterations to plumbing systems (e.g., restroom reconfiguration and modification, the installation of small "coffee" sinks and water fountains, etc.).
- The relocation of sprinkler heads, if this does not affect the sprinkler coverage area.
- Alterations to supply/exhaust HVAC systems (if the capabilities of the existing system are not exceeded). This includes all air distribution systems.
- The installation, relocation or replacement of instrumentation and controls, computer networks and communication equipment operating at 50 volts or less.
- The alteration of existing electrical branch circuits, if over-current protection devices are not modified or added to.
- The alteration of an existing or addition of one (1) new 208V/30A (or less) circuit for power or lighting.
- The reconfiguration of lighting systems (including switching), if COMcheck or other energy conservation code compliance data is supplied.
- The installation or relocation of meters, valves and other ancillary equipment related to metering for electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems that have been previously approved.
- Alterations to hydronic systems (typically, hot and/or chilled water), if the capabilities of the existing systems are not exceeded.
Customers should note carefully the following conditions.
Whenever structural change is involved, a statement from a licensed architect or engineer must accompany the application. This sealed statement should indicate that the work described on the application will satisfy all structural requirements of the UCC.
The Department reserves the right to require that a statement sealed by a licensed design professional be provided (indicating that the proposed work will not violate provisions of the UCC), for other changes proposed on the Alterations-Level 1 application.
Should applicants inaccurately describe the work for which an Alteration-Level 1 permit has been issued, and should the completed construction fall outside the scope of this permit, the Department reserves the right to impose whatever corrective actions may be needed to ensure compliance with the UCC.
To apply for an Alterations-Level 1 building permit:
- Submit one (1) copy of the form UCC-15 (APPLICATION FOR ALTERATIONS-LEVEL 1 PERMIT). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-15.
Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant. - A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The Department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
Be sure to accurately detail all work to be done under the building permit.
If you are seeking a Level-1 permit for a roof replacement and the work will include replacement of some or all sheathing, the type and thickness of the existing and replacement material must be specified in your description.
If the work to be done will affect the building envelope, mechanical systems, or the electrical power and lighting systems, a narrative describing how the work will satisfy the requirements of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code must be included. If the requirements will not be satisfied, then additional information must be submitted.
After reviewing this information, the Bureau will either issue a UCC Building Permit or contact you regarding work that appears to fall outside the scope of Alterations-Level 1 work. If a permit is issued, we will also inform you of inspections that must be passed, before a certificate of compliance can be issued.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
G. Application Requirements: ANNUAL PERMITS
The UCC regulations provides for annual alterations of installations previously approved for construction code compliance, under a single permit. Click on the links below to access information about the Annual Permit.
Requirements for Annual Permit
UCC-1 - Application for Annual Permit
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
The following items (1-9) constitute a complete UCC application package for the construction of:
- New buildings, structures and facilities (except for modular or industrialized construction, which must meet the application requirements outlined in Section J and shell buildings which must meet the requirements outlined in Section O).
- Additions to existing buildings.
- Alterations (renovations) that exceed the scope of Alterations-Level 1 work (as defined in the 2015 International Existing Building Code and Section F above) and that will be made to existing buildings that are legally occupied.
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. Without this, we cannot verify that the Department has jurisdiction for this work. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings and one (1) set of specifications.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer. (An unlicensed person may prepare construction drawings for the alteration or remodeling of a building, if no compensation is paid for their preparation and the construction will not involve changes in the building's structure or means of egress.)
- Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1', with sufficient detail to fully indicate the nature and scope of the work to be performed.
- On the first page of each set, indicate any systems or installations for which plan submission is deferred (e.g., fire alarm system, pre-engineered truss system, sprinkler system).
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department as a plan revision at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See Section Q. below.)
- Per Section 403.43(k) of the UCC regulation, these plans must bear the signature of the design professional in responsible charge and a brief statement indicating that the design professional has reviewed the plans and found them to be in general conformance with the design of the building or structure.
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department as a plan revision at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See Section Q. below.)
- Provide a Code Analysis on the first or second sheet of the drawings. A failure to provide an adequate analysis may lengthen the time needed for a review and approval of plan submissions. Click here to view an example of a well-done analysis.* (The Department thanks James E. Rappoport, R.A., of Daroff Design + DDI Architects, for his kind permission to utilize the design analysis he prepared as part of the application package for the PennDOT Welcome Center on I-95 in Lower Chichester Township.) Note: if the work to be done involves alterations, the analysis will likely not include all the items covered in this "template".
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer. (An unlicensed person may prepare construction drawings for the alteration or remodeling of a building, if no compensation is paid for their preparation and the construction will not involve changes in the building's structure or means of egress.)
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1" = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades. (See also the Department's UCC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST for additional requirements.)
- If applicable, a copy of the SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS STATEMENT (UCC-6). Access the 2009 version of thie UCC-6 that must be used when complying with the 2009 International Building Code. Access the 2015 version of the UCC-6 that must be used when complying with the 2015 International Building Code. Access the 2018 version of the UCC-6 that must be used when complying with the 2018 International Building Code.
- When construction will occur in a flood plain, documentation required in Section 1612.5 of the 2018 International Building Code shall be prepared and sealed by a registered design professional.
Submit one (1) copy of the trade-off report generated by the COMcheck software. Be sure to utilize 2018 version (or higher), or if using the ASHRAE standard, select ASHRAE 90.1-2016 .
Note: If the proposed construction involves a building or structure classified in use group R-2, R-3 or R-4 and it is not more than three stories in height above grade, compliance should be demonstrated with the residential requirements of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code.Supply three (3) copies of the compliance report generated by the REScheck software.
To obtain copies of the US DOE COMcheck visit the US DOE "Building Energy Codes ProgramOpens In A New Window" website.EXCEPTION: If the building or structure is exempt per ASHRAE 90.1 section 2.3(b), include a letter signed by the design professional in responsible charge that the building or structure will use neither electricity nor fossil fuels and is thus exempt from energy conservation code requirements.
- If alternative construction methods or materials are proposed for use, a sealed statement signed by the design professional, certifying that the proposed methods or materials meet the requirements of 34 PA Code section 403.44.
- A fully completed copy of the Department's UCC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST (UCC-2). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-2.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
I. Application Requirements: IN-HOME DAY CARE PERMIT
When an owner of a one- or two-family dwelling wishes to use their dwelling to provide day care services for 4-12 children, for less than 24 hours per day, application must be made for a UCC Certificate of Occupancy following the process outlined below. The provision of these services must be secondary to the use of the dwelling as a residence.
It is the policy of the Department that, when day care services are approved in these dwellings, a UCC certificate of occupancy for an R-3 use group will be issued, if the facility satisfies the fire safety requirements specified in the UCC regulation at 403.23 and egress requirements spelled out in the applicable version of the International Residential Code (IRC). This means that, if day care services are provided on a second floor or in the basement, the facility will have to comply with the emergency escape provisions of the IRC.
Also note that, if the one- or two-family dwelling will undergo changes requiring a UCC permit, the owner will have to secure approval for this work from a certified Third-Party Agency. (The Department is not authorized to approve residential construction, alterations or repairs in opt-out municipalities.)
To obtain a UCC certificate of occupancy for an R-3 day-care facility, an applicant must submit:
- One (1) fully completed copy of the Department's UCC-24 APPLICATION FOR IN-HOME DAY CARE PERMIT. Click here to access a copy of the UCC-24.
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Mail the application to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
If your application is complete, we will assign it to a Department field inspector. The inspector will call to schedule an inspection of the dwelling. Should it meet all UCC requirements, they will recommend that the Department issue a UCC certificate of occupancy for an R-3 day care.
Upon receipt of this certificate, the facility may be used for the provision of day care services, as long it also meets all other day care licensure requirements enforced by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
The following items constitute a complete application for a permit to construct a new modular (industrialized) building, other than one to be utilized as a one- or two-family dwelling:
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. Without this, we cannot verify that the Department has jurisdiction for this work. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost
Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings and one (1) set of specifications.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1', with sufficient detail to fully indicate the nature and scope of the work to be performed.
- On the first page of each set, indicate any systems or installations for which plan submission is deferred (e.g., fire alarm system, pre-engineered truss system, sprinkler system).
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department as a plan revision at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See Section Q. below.)
- Per section 403.43(k) of the UCC regulation, these plans must bear the signature of the design professional in responsible charge and a brief statement indicating that the design professional has reviewed the plans and found them to be in general conformance with the design of the building or structure.
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department as a plan revision at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See Section Q. below.)
- Provide a Code Analysis on the first or second sheet of the drawings. A failure to provide an adequate analysis may lengthen the time needed for review and approval of plan submissions. Click here to view an example of a well-done analysis.* (The Department thanks James E. Rappoport, R.A., of Daroff Design + DDI Architects, for his kind permission to utilize the design analysis he prepared as part of the application package for the PennDOT Welcome Center on I-95 in Lower Chichester Township.)
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1" = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades.(See also the Department's UCC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST for additional requirements.)
- When construction will occur in a flood plain, one (1) copy of one of the certifications required in section 1612.5 of the applicable version of the International Building Code.
- A letter signed by a licensed design professional containing all of the following:
If the certification letter mentioned above has been provided, Department inspections of modular construction will be limited to: footers; foundations; any electrical, plumbing or mechanical rough-ins that have been done at the construction site; and, a final inspection. The final inspection will ensure, among other things, that all electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems are functioning properly and that all accessibility requirements have been satisfied.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
Buildings that were not approved for use or occupancy under pre-UCC statutes (the Fire and Panic and Universal Accessibility Acts) are deemed to be "uncertified buildings" and must meet special UCC requirements spelled out in Act 95 of 2005.
In addition to the fire safety and accessibility requirements discussed under submission requirement number 4 (below), uncertified buildings will have to meet the following requirements found in the currently adopted version of the International Building Code pertaining to:
Maximum story height, minimum allowable construction type based on floor area, vertical opening and shaft protection, means of egress requirements pertaining to minimum number of exits, maximum travel distances to exits, means of egress illumination, minimum egress widths and heights for exit doors, exit stairs, exit ramps and exit corridors.
The only exception granted is for buildings that were built before April 27, 1927. If constructed before this date, a building is deemed to be certified (that is, legally occupied), even though no certificate of occupancy has been issued for the building. Only when the building use changes or an owner desires to alter or add on to the building will the building have to comply with UCC requirements. (If a pre-1927 building will be added on to, generally only the addition will have to comply with the UCC.)
To obtain a UCC certificate of occupancy or to obtain a UCC building permit to alter or add to an uncertified building, all of the following must be submitted to the Department:
- Proof of the date when the uncertified building was constructed.
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- If only applying for an occupancy permit to occupy the building legally under the UCC, check only the box labeled "Unapproved Existing Building."
- If applying for approval to make alterations also check the box labeled "Alteration or Renovation."
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. Without this, we cannot verify that the Department has jurisdiction for this work. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- If only applying for an occupancy permit to occupy the building legally under the UCC, check only the box labeled "Unapproved Existing Building."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited services plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings. Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1'.
- Site and location plans, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20',showing locations of the building in relationship to adjacent streets, buildings, distances from adjacent buildings and streets. Must show access and egress paths to public ways, and parking. Flood zone documentation is not required.
- Elevations either drawn on the plans or shown via photographs. If used, photographs must provide enough detail to show all doors, windows, exterior stairs, height of building and any exterior elements in relationship to grade, plus each entire side of the building. Photographs will not be accepted for any newly constructed areas.
- Drawn wall sections and /or descriptions of the building components of the exterior walls, floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies.
- Floor plans (sketches are unacceptable) showing all components of egress (door swing and size, stair geometry and interior finish classifications), fire ratings of all required assemblies, all uses of rooms labeled, and new and/or demolition work. Show all handicapped accessible elements including site requirements, if required by Act 95.
- Electrical plans showing location of emergency systems (emergency lighting, exit signs, fire alarms, smoke detectors and visual/audible alarms).
- If the existing building is sprinklered, be sure to indicate this on the building permit application.
- Site and location plans, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20',showing locations of the building in relationship to adjacent streets, buildings, distances from adjacent buildings and streets. Must show access and egress paths to public ways, and parking. Flood zone documentation is not required.
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
L. Application Requirements: SIGN PERMITS
A permit must be obtained from the BOIS Buildings Section prior to the erection of any sign in any municipality that has elected not to administer and enforce the UCC (except for those signs exempted from permits in Appendix H of the 2009 International Building Code).
Note, however, that the Department will not require a separate application for a sign or signs which will be erected as part of construction covered by another application, if the plans submitted with the application provide sufficient basis for determining compliance with Appendix H of the 2009 International Building Code.
All signs requiring a UCC permit must comply with the requirements of Appendix H of the 2009 International Building Code.
Any person desiring to erect a sign must submit:
- A completed APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT (UCC-5). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-5.
- Three (3) copies of a construction plan detailing the information requested on the application form.
- Four (4) copies, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20', of a site plan showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades.
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
M. Application Requirements: DEMOLITION PERMITS
Demolition permits must be obtained from the BOIS Buildings Section prior to the demolition of any existing building or structure in any municipality that has elected not to administer and enforce the UCC. This permit is separate from that required for construction, alteration or renovations of existing buildings.
Note, however, that when a demolition will occur and plans for the replacement building are submitted concurrently, an application for a demolition permit does not have to be submitted. But, if the demolition is not accompanied by a building permit application, application for a demolition permit will be required.
Please note that receipt of a UCC demolition permit does not relieve the permit holder of compliance responsibilities under other state or federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: asbestos remediation, advanced notification to the PA Department of Environmental Protection and the US Environmental Protection Agency of demolition work, historic preservation and the capping of any sewer and water connections.
Any person desiring to demolish a building or structure must:
- Complete an APPLICATION FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT (UCC-4). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-4.
- Provide three (3) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20', detailing the information requested on the permit application form.
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
N. Application requirements: PARTIAL OCCUPANCY
The UCC regulation at 403.46(c) authorizes the issuance of certificate for partial occupancy of a building, if that portion independently complies with all UCC requirements.
To obtain a certificate, the following must be submitted for each portion of a floor or for an entire floor of a multi-story building:
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- In the "Application Type" section, check the box next to "Partial Occupancy."
- Please fill out the entire form. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by writing "NA."
- Please be sure to include the previously approved open UCC permit information.
- Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant.
- In the "Application Type" section, check the box next to "Partial Occupancy."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
- Three (3) copies of floor plans identifying the full extent of the interior space to be occupied in relationship to the remainder of the building or structure that may be currently occupied under a previous permit or is concurrently undergoing construction or renovation.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
Should the application be approved, all inspections needed to demonstrate compliance with all UCC requirements applicable to the space must be passed, before issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
O. Application Requirements: BUILDING SHELL PERMITS
The following items constitute a complete UCC application package for the construction of a building shell. Buildings that are constructed speculatively, with the tenants unknown at the time that application is made for a building permit, are the intended recipients of building shell permits.
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC-3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- It is imperative that applicants indicate the name of the political subdivision and the county where the proposed construction will occur. Without this, we cannot verify that the Department has jurisdiction for this work. We will not process applications that lack this information.
- Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy issued by the Department are always issued to the person who is listed as the building permit applicant. Typically, this is a design professional or a contractor. If a building owner desires his or her name to be on the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, it is critical that he/she be listed as the permit applicant.
- Please complete this fully. If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost. Fees paid cover plan review and all inspections.
- Three (3) complete sets of construction drawings and one (1) set of specifications.
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- Drawings must be at least 18" x 24" (but no more than 36" x 42") in size, drawn to scale of no less than 1/8" = 1', with sufficient detail to fully indicate the nature and scope of the work to be performed.
- On the first page of each set, indicate any systems or installations for which plan submission is deferred (e.g., fire alarm system, pre-engineered truss system, sprinkler system).
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See section Q. below.)
- Per Section 403.43(k) of the UCC regulation, these plans must bear the signature of the design professional in responsible charge and a brief statement indicating that the design professional has reviewed the plans and found them to be in general conformance with the design of the building or structure.
- Plans for any deferred systems must be submitted to the Department at least 2 weeks before proposed installation. (See section Q. below.)
- Provide a Code Analysis on the first or second sheet of the drawings. A failure to provide an adequate analysis may lengthen the time needed for a review and approval of plans submissions. Click here to view an example of a well-done analysis.* (The Department thanks James E. Rappoport, R.A., of Daroff Design + DDI Architects, for his kind permission to utilize the design analysis he prepared as part of the application package for the PennDOT Welcome Center on I-95 in Lower Chichester Township.)
- Seals of licensed design professionals must appear on all sheets and be signed and dated by the designer.
- Four (4) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale not less than 1" = 20', showing the size and location of the new construction, with accurate boundary lines, distances from lot lines, and the established street grades and proposed finish grades.
- If applicable, a copy of the SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS STATEMENT (UCC-6). Access the 2009 version of the UCC-6 that must be used when complying with the 2009 International Building Code. Access the 2015 version of the UCC-6 that must be used when complying with the 2015 International Building Code.
- When construction will occur in a flood plain, documentation required in Section 1612.5 of the 2015 International Building Code shall be prepared and sealed by a registered design professional.
- If alternative construction methods or materials are proposed for use, a statement signed by the design professional, certifying that the proposed methods or materials meet the requirements of 34 PA Code section 403.44.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
As is noted in the statement of requirements for the various types of building permits, the Department has prepared a document outlining required UCC inspections.
Upon issuance of a UCC building permit, the applicant will receive a copy of the Department's INSPECTION LOG (UCC-7). This will indicate all UCC inspections required on the approved construction; this sheet will also contain the name and phone number of an L&I inspector assigned to this project. Permit holders should call this inspector, within the specified timeframe on the UCC INSPECTION PROCEDURES STATEMENT (UCC-9), to arrange for all required inspections. The INSPECTION LOG (UCC-7) must be retained at the construction site for the duration of the construction and be readily accessible to Department inspectors.
In most cases, the applicant will also be provided with a copy of the CONTRACTORS' INSTALLATION CERTIFICATION FORM (UCC-12). This form requires contractors who install sprinkler, fire alarm, smoke control and evacuation, emergency lighting, and hood extinguishing and ventilation systems to certify that the named systems have been installed and tested for compliance with the requirements of the UCC. This form must be retained at the construction site and presented to an L&I inspector, upon request.
Please note that continuing construction without obtaining prior required approvals may not only jeopardize final approval and issuance of an occupancy permit, but also may result in removal and reconstruction of installations that fail to meet UCC requirements.
Construction changes made after a building permit is issued require a review and approval of the proposed changes, before the work proceeds.
There are three systems for which shop drawings or plans may not be available for submission at the time that application is made for a UCC building permit: Fire Alarm Systems; Truss Shop Drawings (certified); and Sprinkler Systems.
These constitute deferred submissions, and when applicants defer one or more of these items, the deferred item(s) must be listed on the first page of the plan sets and the appropriate boxes checked on the UCC-3 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT.
When Fire Alarm Systems and Sprinkler Systems are deferred, plans and calculations must be submitted to the Department as plan revisions (following the directions that follow). These must be submitted at least two weeks prior to installation. A failure to meet this deadline will likely result in an untimely review and approval from the Department. A statement signed by the Design Professional in Responsible Charge must be included with plans for either of these systems; the statement should indicate that the design professional has reviewed the shop drawings and found them to be in general conformance with the design of the building or structure.
Certified Truss Shop Drawings are not subject to these Plan Revision requirements (or the payment of any fee). However, the certified shop drawings must be presented to the L&I inspector at the time that the framing inspection is to be performed. A failure to have these certified drawings on-hand will be just cause for the framing work not be approved..
To obtain approval, the following must be submitted:
- A completed UCC APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (UCC- 3). Click here to access a copy of the UCC-3.
- Please complete this fully. Be sure to include the previously approved open UCC permit information.
- In the "Application Type" section, be sure to check the box next to "Plan Revision."
- If an informational item does not apply, indicate this by a "NA."
- Please complete this fully. Be sure to include the previously approved open UCC permit information.
- Three (3) copies of any amended sheets from the previously approved plan set. These pages must be at least 18” x 24” in size (but not more than 36” x 42”), drawn to a scale of not less than 1/8” = 1’.
- If applicable, three (3) sets of shop drawings for fire alarm or sprinkler systems (including calculations, when required). These pages must be at least 18” x 24” in size (but not more than 36” x 42”), drawn to a scale of not less than 1/8” = 1’.
- If applicable, three (3) copies of an amended site plan.
- A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the applicable fee. Please click here for fee schedule. The department is now offering expedited plan review performed within seven days of receipt of a written request for an additional cost. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost.
- When you are revising previously approved drawings and specifications, and these were approved in the six weeks preceding your revised submission, you must also provide one (1) set of your previously approved plans. This is necessary, because the Department's copy of the approved plans will likely be at our microfilm service. The set may be original or a reproduction; however, if it is a reproduction, the Department's plan approval stamp must be clearly visible on the plans.
Mail the complete application package to:
Buildings Section
Department of Labor and Industry
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17121-0750
Approved or rejected plans will be returned by third-class mail. If applicants desire to hasten the return of plan sets, they must provide FedEx or UPS shipping labels that have been fully filled out (including shipping account numbers), in their original application package.
This Building Codes website contains a wide variety of information, copies of all our forms, general advisories about different aspects of the UCC, etc.
If you have questions about our application requirements or project status, please call 717-787-3806, select option "1" and then "3".
If you are a member of the International Code Council, you can call them and secure an informal code opinion.
These opinions are available from the ICC Technical Staff by calling 888-422-7233 ext. 33807, between the hours of 7:30 AM and 6:30 PM (Central Standard Time). Be sure to have your ICC membership number, the code name, the code year and the code section number handy.
*If you require an Accessible version of this document and no alternate version is available on this page, please send a request to ra-li-press-dlipress@pa.gov.