The Industrial Board has six members chosen by the Governor and approved by the Senate. The Secretary of Labor & Industry, or their chosen person, leads the Board. Members include:
an architect an engineer, a building industry expert in safety, a representative from a worker group with safety experience, and two regular citizens.
The Industrial Board forms Advisory Boards to assist with specific tasks. Currently, there are two: the Boiler Advisory Board and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Advisory Board. Members of these boards are chosen by the Secretary of Labor & Industry. Their main job is to create and manage rules and provide assistance. The Advisory Boards hold meetings as scheduled by their Chairman.
The Industrial Board meets every month. They listen to cases and decide on rules for:
- Building codes
- Fire safety
- Boilers and other tanks
- Gas safety
- Liquids that burn easily
- Bedding and soft furniture
- Stuffed toys
2025 Meeting Dates
Here are the dates for Industrial Board meetings that are open to the public this year. You can join by phone or computer. If you want to attend, use the call number 267-332-8737, and attendee code 562403419. Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Contact RA-LIINDUSTRIALBOARD@pa.gov for the link to join online.
- January 15
- February 19
- March 19
- April 16
- May 21
- June 18
- July 16
- August 20
- September 17
- October 15
- November 19
- December 17