PennSERVE and AmeriCorps

PennSERVE and AmeriCorps work together to provide service opportunities to the people of Pennsylvania. They work together to help improve people's life and well-being in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

Graphic of people on a worksite.
PennSERVE logo

Every year, we give around $12 million in federal money from AmeriCorps to AmeriCorps programs in Pennsylvania.

We assist organizations in creating and managing AmeriCorps programs. We provide training, help with technical problems, and keep an eye on things.

We gather AmeriCorps program staff and members together. They come to learn and honor the spirit of service in Pennsylvania.

Who we are

We are Pennsylvania’s state service commission. We work with AmeriCorps to connect people and groups to solve important problems through service.

We're part of America's Service Commissions (ASC). ASC supports state service commissions across the U.S.

Our work is guided by the PennSERVE Advisory Board. They helps plan and promote service programs in Pennsylvania.

Our impact: 2020-2021

32,398: Children and youth served
645: Acres of public land supported
28,370: Hours served by community volunteers
$4,437,460: Education awards earned by AmeriCorps members


Visit National Service in Pennsylvania to learn more about the impact in PA!

Volunteer in your community

Volunteering offers more benefits than you might expect. It aids others and improves your community.

Plus, it boosts your job prospects. Surprisingly, volunteers are 27% more likely to find work after a break.

Also, they live longer, have better health, and are less likely to be depressed.

Our plans

Our State Service Plan is a vision and roadmap for service in Pennsylvania with the following priority areas:

  • Bolster the quantity and quality of AmeriCorps programming in PA.
  • Strengthen the service infrastructure and ethic in Pennsylvania.
  • Improve the AmeriCorps member experience.

Prioritize funding for initiatives focusing on education, health, economic opportunity, and/or technology access; provide AmeriCorps member living allowances above the minimum required; and/or programs providing services in under-resourced communities.

Contact PennSERVE

​Kaitlyn ‘Katy’ Spehar
​Executive Director
​Priyambada "Priya" Mishra
​Grants Officer
​Amelia “Amy” Anderson
​Assistant Director

​Komal Shah
​Fiscal Compliance Officer
​Christopher Pratt
​Program Officer
​Julia Pitts
​Program Officer
​Tina Cornelius
​Program Officer
Amber Morris
​Administrative Officer

​Mailing Address

651 Boas Street, Room 1306
Harrisburg, PA 17121

Phone: 717-787-1971 (1-866-6SERVEU)

If you would like to be added to PennSERVE's contact list to receive notice of grant opportunities, submit our Contact Form and let us know!

AmeriCorps Pennsylvania state logo

AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs. Each takes a different approach to improve lives and foster civic engagement.

AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers commit their time. They do this to address important community needs. They work on things like:

  • Boosting academic achievement
  • Mentoring youth
  • Fighting poverty
  • Sustaining national parks
  • Prepare for disaster

While serving, AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers learn valuable work skills. They earn money for education and make lifelong community connections.

AmeriCorps State & National

AmeriCorps State and National supports a wide range of local service programs. They engage thousands of Americans in intensive community service each year.


Each AmeriCorps State and National program utilizes AmeriCorps funding. This funding is used to to recruit, place, and supervise AmeriCorps members nationwide.

AmeriCorps National

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) members travel the country. They strengthen communities and develop leadership skills.

Members serve full-time for 10 months. They address community needs and respond to disasters.

AmeriCorps NCCC is comprised of two distinct service tracks:

  • Traditional Corps
  • FEMA Corps

AmeriCorps VISTA

AmeriCorps Volunteers In Service to America (VISTA) is a program that focuses on serving low-income people and communities.

VISTA members work full-time for a year on a special project. They help organizations that:

  • Teach people to read and write better
  • Provide better health services
  • Grow the economy
  • Help low-income communities

The members work to make these organizations stronger and better able to help people.

AmeriCorps Seniors

AmeriCorps Seniors engages Americans 55 years and older in volunteer service. It does this through three main programs:

When you join AmeriCorps Seniors, you choose how you want to give back. Some options include:

  • Help a struggling child to learn to read
  • Deliver groceries to an elderly neighbor
  • Support a family impacted by natural disaster

AmeriCorps State Grants & Resources

An organization applying to run an AmeriCorps program in multiple states must directly apply to the federal AmeriCorps agency. If the program will operate in Pennsylvania and other states, they need to fill out the Multi-State AmeriCorps Consultation Form. This is done through America’s Service Commissions.

The consultation form must be completed prior to the application deadline. Visit America's Service Commissions website to complete your consultation form.

PennSERVE encourages organizations to meet with our staff. They will discuss program and service development in Pennsylvania. Please contact to arrange a meeting.