How to Start a New Claim
This video provides a brief overview on how to start a new claim online.
Learn How to File for Unemployment Benefits Online
Need to file for unemployment benefits? Our video will show you everything you need to know and how you can save time in the process!
Completing A Weekly Claim Certification
Here is a quick guide on what happens after you file your initial claim and a reminder to file weekly claims. Please note, this video mentions filing claims biweekly, however since June of 2021 the biweekly process changed to a weekly process. This video has not yet been updated to reflect that change.
Like working for a week and getting a paycheck a couple days later, Unemployment Compensation works the same way.
After the week is over, you tell us if you were unemployed and then we send payments. No matter which day you submit your new claim application – Sunday through Saturday – your claim will be effective Sunday and remains in effect for one year, with anywhere from 18-26 full weeks of payments available.
One Sunday later, you will certify if you were unemployed for the first week and answer several questions. You will do this either online or by using PAT, and you have from Sunday through Saturday of that week to complete this task.
Biweekly Claims Explained - Unemployment Compensation Made Easy
Here is a quick guide on what happens after you file your initial claim and a reminder to file biweekly. Similar to working for two weeks and getting a paycheck a couple days/weeks later, Unemployment Compensation works the same way.
The Next Step After an Initial Claim - Biweekly Claims
This video is a quick overview of what happens after you file an initial claim and receive your confirmation letter and PIN to start filing biweekly claims every two weeks.
Filing a biweekly claim confirms your unemployment status for the weeks you’re filing and requests payment for the two weeks you didn’t work or for reduced hours. The best way to file your biweekly claim is online.
The Next Step after an Initial Claim - Biweekly Claims
This video is a quick overview of what happens after you file an initial claim and receive your confirmation letter and PIN to start filing biweekly claims every two weeks.
Adjudication Process - What happens when there is an issue with your claim
This video provides an overview of what happens if there is an issue with your claim and how the UC Adjudication process works.
Unemployment Compensation Adjudication Process
This short, animated video provides a quick overview of what Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Adjudication process looks like and what information is needed from UC claimants.
Reopening an Existing Claim
If you fall into either of the categories listed below, you should file an application to reopen an existing claim.
- You established a claim within the past year, and then gained employment and stopped filing for UC benefits. If you become unemployed again, you should reopen your claim during the first week that you are unemployed again.
- You established a claim, but you stopped filing claims because you were ill, hospitalized, or otherwise unable to work. You should reopen your claim as soon as you are able and available for work again.
Language services
L&I's Office of Unemployment Compensation (UC) provides a variety of language services, free of charge, to assist claimants who speak a language other than English.