Honoring Veterans as We Recognize National Vietnam War Veterans Day

On March 29 we recognize National Vietnam War Veterans Day, but thanks and honors for these warriors will continue throughout the year, as 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of when the last U.S. personnel were evacuated from Vietnam.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates that today there are between six and seven million U.S. Vietnam veterans throughout the world. In Pennsylvania, this number is nearly 217,000 Vietnam-era veterans.

“This anniversary gives us greater opportunity to thank our Vietnam veterans for their service, and to welcome them home,” said Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) Executive Director of Veterans Programs Keith Graham. “This is one of our largest war-era veteran populations in Pennsylvania and we recognize the importance of providing programs and services to this population.”

One way the DMVA assists veterans is by helping them locate lost military documents, particularly their DD Form 214 (DD-214), which is vital when it comes to receiving the benefits they deserve. Anyone needing assistance from the DMVA to locate their DD-214/215, or other military documentation, can call toll-free 1-800-547-2838, email RA-REQ@pa.gov, or visit the Records Request Program on the DMVA website: www.pa.gov/agencies/dmva.