Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services

The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) continuously looks to improve the lives of Pennsylvania's nearly 700,000 veterans. One way the DMVA meets this commitment is through its leadership and oversight of the Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services (GAC-VS).

Picture of the GAC-VS group

The GAC-VS was established as Pennsylvania's first interagency cooperative approach to veterans services. The council reviews, evaluates and assesses state veterans programs in collaboration with senior staff from state agencies and commissions. It increases information sharing, ensures program fidelity, coordinates complementary programs and facilitates meaningful enhancements in service accessibility to veterans benefits and services within Pennsylvania.

The GAC-VS consists of committees comprised of state, federal, and county personnel who have a vested interest in serving veterans. Each committee is chaired by a subject matter expert who facilitates the committee's initiatives and provides a brief to the Council members and/or designees during the quarterly meetings.

Current Committee Structure

Upcoming Meetings

2025 Meeting Dates

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025
1-3 p.m.

Wednesday, May 7, 2025
1-3 p.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2025
1-3 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2025
1-3 p.m.