DoBS is offering free public events throughout April — including sessions on cybersecurity, avoiding frauds and scams, and steps toward financial freedom — to help Pennsylvanians improve their money management skills.
Harrisburg, PA – In recognition of Financial Literacy Month, as proclaimed by Governor Josh Shapiro, the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities (DoBS) is continuing its financial education efforts with a series of free public events throughout April. These sessions will help Pennsylvanians improve their money management skills, covering topics like budgeting, fraud prevention, and retirement planning.
“Equipping Pennsylvanians of all ages, backgrounds, and education levels with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances wisely is critical to their success," said DoBS Secretary Wendy Spicher. "By collaborating with other agencies and community partners, we’re making financial literacy more accessible and ensuring individuals have the tools they need to protect themselves from fraud and make informed financial choices.”
Stay Informed and Protected
With financial scams on the rise, Financial Literacy Month serves as a critical reminder for consumers to stay informed and proactive about their financial well-being. Pennsylvanians can report fraud or request a speaker for financial education programs by calling 1-800-PA-BANKS.
April event highlights include:
- Cybersecurity – Staying Safe Online: Learn essential strategies to protect personal information, including tips on secure websites, strong passwords, and safe social media practices.
- Avoiding Frauds and Scams: Understand common identity theft tactics and discover effective ways to safeguard your finances.
- Path to Financial Freedom: Explore steps toward achieving financial independence.
The DoBS Investor Education and Consumer Outreach team partners with state and local government agencies, community organizations, schools, and other groups to help Pennsylvanians navigate the financial services industry.
To learn more about free, non-commercial financial education programs or request a customized presentation, visit the DoBS Events Calendar, or contact the team at 1-800-PA-BANKS or via email at informed@pa.gov.
April outreach events, in partnership with the listed organizations, will be held in person and are open to the public unless otherwise noted. A complete list of events, including dates, times, and registration details, is available below and on the DoBS Events Calendar.
Fraud BINGO: A fun and interactive presentation that teaches consumers how to protect themselves from investment fraud by playing a familiar game – BINGO! Every day people get “scammed” out of THOUSANDS of dollars. Many times, it’s those who can least afford to lose the money!
- Hosted by Connexus Human Services Network at The Grand Ballroom, Windber Recreation Park, 160 Rec Road, Windber (Cambria County) on April 24 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. For additional information contact Bethany Rietscha at 814-999-3004 or brietscha@connexushsn.org.
Fraud BINGO: A fun and interactive presentation that teaches consumers how to protect themselves from investment fraud by playing a familiar game – BINGO! Every day people get “scammed” out of THOUSANDS of dollars. Many times, it’s those who can least afford to lose the money!
- Hosted by Phoebe Ministries at Phoebe Apartments, 1901 West Linden St., Allentown (Lehigh County) on April 1 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Open to residents only. For additional information contact Cristal Polanco at 610-794-6265 or cpolanco@phoebe.org.
- Allentown B'nai B'rith Housing Corporation, 1616 West Liberty St., Allentown (Lehigh County) on April 1 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Open to residents only. For additional information contact Jennifer Leffler at 610-821-0207 or jennm@abbhc.com.
- Hosted by Diakon at the Pottsville Senior Center, 201 N. Center St., Pottsville (Schuylkill County) on April 2 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Debbie Herb at 570-628-3513 or HerbD@diakon.org.
- Hosted by Diakon at the Tremont Senior Center, 139 Clay St., Tremont (Schuylkill County) on April 2 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Debbie Herb at 570-628-3513 or HerbD@diakon.org.
- Hosted by Diakon at the Mahanoy City Community Senior Center, 138 West Center St., Mahanoy City (Schuylkill County) on April 3 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Debbie Herb at 570-628-3513 or HerbD@diakon.org.
- Hosted by Corvus Property Intelligence at Goodwill at North Senior Apartments, 1539 North Main Ave., Scranton (Lackawanna County) on April 8 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Open to residents only. For additional information contact Janet Brennan at 570-800-500 or jbrennan@corvusiq.com.
- Hosted by the PA Association of Retired State Employees (PARSE) Berks County Chapter at Mimmo's Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, 290 Morgantown Road, Reading (Berks County) on April 16 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Open to members only. For additional information contact George Dillman at 717-705-2687 or gdillman@pa.gov.
Cybersecurity – Staying Safe Online: Whatever your age, understanding how to keep your information safe and secure online is vitally important for everyone. This presentation covers key topics like using secure websites, creating strong passwords, being aware of what you put on social media, and even tips for shopping online safely.
- Spring Seniors, West Lawn United Methodist Church, Raffauf Community Center, 103 Woodside Ave., West Lawn (Berks County) on April 4 from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. For additional information contact George Dillman at 717-705-2687 or gdillman@pa.gov.
- Hosted by the Columbia-Montour Aging Office, Inc. at the Benton Senior Center, 42 Community Drive, Benton (Columbia County) on April 9 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Jinny Keifer at 570-925-6533 or bencenter@cmaaa15.org.
- Hosted by the Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna/Tioga Area Agency on Aging, Inc. at the Towanda Active Learning Center, Colonial Towers, Colonial Drive, Towanda (Bradford County) on April 15 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Deena Mize at 570-265-2687 or towandasc@bsstaaa.org.
Avoiding Identity Theft: This presentation looks at ways people’s identities are stolen or compromised, what you can do if you find you have had your identity stolen, and how to stop theft from occurring.
- Hosted by the Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga Area Agency on Aging at the Mildred Active Living Center, 7699 PA-487, Mildred (Sullivan County) on April 8 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Michelle DiFabio at 570-265-6121 or mildredsc@bsstaaa.org.
Banking in the 21st Century: This presentation is an overview of how banks and credit unions work. We also discuss the differences between types of accounts; the importance of balancing accounts; what to do if you have had banking issues in the past; what types of questions you should ask before opening an account; and what deposit insurance does and does not cover.
- Hosted by the PA Association of Retired State Employees (PARSE) Endless Mountains Chapter 2-10 at the Riverstone Restaurant, 47 Leisure Drive, Towanda (Bradford County) on April 15 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Open to members only. For additional information contact George Dillman at 717-705-2687 or gdillman@pa.gov.
$camJam: A fun and interactive event that brings experts in law enforcement and state agencies together to educate target audiences on how to protect their money from financial fraud and abuse. Between key sessions attendees get to play Fraud BINGO – where they may even win a prize!
- Hillside Multipurpose Room in Arbour Square, 699 Main St., Harleysville (Montgomery County) on April 17 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Open to residents and their guests only. For additional information contact Melissa Sorris at 267-933-6405 or Msorris@arboursquare.com.
Swatara Township 3rd Annual Senior Resource Fair: Featuring various agencies and service organizations whose focus is on seniors. This event is designed for those 60 years of age or older and for those individuals who provide care for a senior.
- Hosted by the Swatara Township Police Department at LCBC Harrisburg, 4150 Chambers Hill Road, Harrisburg (Dauphin County) on April 23 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. For additional information contact Corporal Brandon Pokrop at 717-564-2550 or BPokrop@swatarapolice.org.
- Sen. Shariff Street’s $camJam: Zion Baptist Church of Philadelphia, 3600 N. Broad St., Philadelphia (Philadelphia County) on April 3 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Aissia Richardson at 215-277-6161 or register at $cam Jam - Registration.
- Sen. Maria Collett’s $camJam: Senior Adult Activities Center of Montgomery County (Montco SAAC), 45 Forest Ave., Ambler (Montgomery County) on April 4 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Bailey Landis at 215-368-1429 or register at www.Senatorcollett.com/scamjam.
- Sen. Frank Farry & Rep. K.C. Tomlinson's 2025 Family Fun Day: Bensalem High School, 4319 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem (Bucks County) on April 5 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For additional information contact Emily Strayer at 717-772-0500 or estrayer@pasen.gov.
- Sen. John Kane & Rep. Carol Kazeem’s Senior Expo: Upper Chichester Township Municipal Complex, 8500 Furey Road, Upper Chichester (Delaware County) on April 10 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. For additional information contact Rashell Garrido at 610-447-5845 or Rashell.garrido@pasenate.com.
- Rep. Keith Greiner’s $camJam: West Earl Township Municipal Building, 157 W. Metzler Road, Ephrata (Lancaster County) on April 11 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Sheena Neff at 717-588-2044 or sneff@pahousegop.com.
- Rep. Joe Ciresi’s Senior Expo 2025: Co-hosted with Limerick Township Parks & Recreation at Spring-Ford 9th Grade Center, 400 S. Lewis Road, Royersford (Montgomery County) on April 17 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Angela Russell at 610-495-6432 or AngelaR@LimerickPA.org.
- Rep. Joe Webster’s $camJam: Upper Providence Administration Building, 1286 Blackrock Road, Phoenixville (Montgomery County) on April 17 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Sue Devenny at 484-200-8263 or sdevenny@pahouse.net.
- Rep. Tina Pickett’s Senior Scam Seminar: Sons and Daughters of Italy, 301 Desmond St., Sayre (Bradford County) on April 25 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. For additional information contact Jennifer Horton at 570-888-9011 or jhorton@pahousegop.com. Register at https://reppickett.com/Form/rtpscamseminar042525.
- Rep. Leanne Krueger’s $camJam: Aston Township Fire Department, 2900 Dutton Mill Road, Aston (Delaware County) on April 25 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. For additional information contact Florence Moyer at 610-534-6880 or fmoyer@pahouse.net.
Save and Invest PA!: Students learn to pursue financial goals through this introduction to the basics of saving and investing as well as how to avoid financial scams. Students do not need to be studying financial topics and do not need previous experience with these topics.
- Jersey Shore High School, 701 Cemetery St., Jersey Shore (Lycoming County) on April 14 from 8:00 AM to 3:15 PM. For JSHS students only. For additional information contact Tim Dershem at 570-560-7397 or tdershem@jsasd.org.
About DoBS and Avoiding Fraud: This presentation helps participants understand the businesses DoBS regulate; how people can work with our Outreach and Consumer Services teams; and how we use the information we gather from the public to help our Compliance, Examination, and Investigation teams. We will also cover basic red flags of fraud and how to avoid them.
- SCORE Bucks County, 11 Welden Drive, Suite 100, Doylestown (Bucks County) on April 29 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Open to members only. For additional information contact Ed Tirello at Edward.tirello@scorevolunteer.org.
MEDIA CONTACT: Joan Z. Nissley, jnissley@pa.gov
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