Professional Members:
Bates, William J. (Vice President)
6/9/20 - 6/9/24 USQ for Six Months
1st Term
Endler, Patrick
10/9/24 - 10/9/28 USQ for Six Months
1st Term
Johns, Michael (Secretary)
02/09/2022-02/09/2026 USQ for Six Months
1st Term
McClenaghan, Mary E. AIA, NCARB (President)
02/09/2022-02/09/2026 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term
Roller, Jerry K.
5/12/21 - 5/12/25 USQ for Six Months
2nd Term
Public Members:
Vacant, Position Open
Vacant, Position Open
Miller, Seth. (Consumer Protection)
Office of Attorney General
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Claggett, Arion R.
Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs
USQ=Until Successor Qualifies
5 Architects
2 Public
1 Consumer Protection
1 Commissioner