Pennsylvania Licensure Requirements

No Degree Requirement

1 Examination

1,250 Hours of Experience

No Continuing Education Requirement

$173.00 Initial Fee

$184.00 Renewal Fee

An individual who is engaged in the practice of barbering, to shave or trim the beard; to cut, shape, trim or blend the hair with the proper tools or instruments

Degree Requirement:

No Degree Requirement - A candidate is required to have an 8th grade education or equivalent.

Examination Requirement: 

1 Examination - The examination for license as a barber and barber-teacher include both practical [hands-on] and theoretical [written] sections.  A passing grade in practical work and in the written test is required before a license will be issued.


1,250 Hours - Student must be instructed according to PA state curriculum, 1,250 hours in a licensed barber school under a licensed barber teacher, or in a licensed barber shop under a licensed barber manager or barber teacher.

Continuing Education: 

No continuing education requirement for licensure.

Initial Licensing Fee: 

$173.00 - $33 application fee & $63.00 for theory exam & $77.00 for practical exam

For Reciprocity/Act 41 applicants, there is a $65 fee.

Licensure Renewal Fee: 

$184.00 - Biennial renewal of license.

Licensure by Reciprocity:

Certificates Issued by Reciprocity & Licensure by Act 41 - Reciprocity can be granted to individuals licensed in those states with which Pennsylvania has an understanding of reciprocity. To qualify for licensure by reciprocity, an individual must have a current license from the state that they are applying from. If the applicant does not meet the requirements for reciprocity, the Pennsylvania examination (theory and practical) must be successfully completed. A barber license by endorsement examination (theory only) can be granted to those individuals currently licensed as a barber in a State with which Pennsylvania does not have an agreement of reciprocity. A certification letter from the licensee's State licensing board must be submitted, verifying the current license.

Act 41 allows for portability of out-of-state professional licensees coming to work in Pennsylvania. Act 41 does this by granting all boards and commissions within the Commonwealth the authority to endorse licensees from other states, territories or jurisdictions (with substantially equivalent licensing requirements) who are active, in good standing and without discipline against their license or criminal conviction.