Continuing Education Waiver for 2025 Renewal

Although the State Board of Massage Therapy (Board) believes that all massage therapists can benefit from continuing education, those massage therapy licensees who have been issued an initial license during the current biennium (February 1, 2023, through January 31, 2025) will be granted a waiver of the 24-hour continuing education requirement for licensure renewal in January 2025.

Licensees who qualify for this waiver do not need to submit a letter requesting the waiver. Upon receipt of notification that the massage therapy license is due for renewal, a licensee must apply for renewal and should answer yes to “Have you met your continuing education requirements.”

Please note that the waiver DOES NOT apply to the Act 31 Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting CE requirement. The course used to obtain initial licensure cannot be used to meet the renewal requirement.

Acceptable CPR Providers for Massage Therapy Licensing

  • American Heart Association
  •  American Red Cross 
  • American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians under the Emergency Care and Safety Institute (approved only for the Adult CPR and AED course, Adult, Child & Infant CPR & AED course or the Health Care Provider CPR & AED course). (ECSI)
  • National Safety Council (approved only for the Standard First Aid, CPR and AED course or the BLS: Healthcare and Professional Rescuer CPR course)
  • EMS Safety Services (approved only for the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer course) 
  • Pacific Medical Training

*Please note that the Pennsylvania State Board of Massage Therapy does not accept programs that are done online. CPR courses must be through contact hours


Act 31 of 2014 Mandated Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting

The Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards Human Trafficking Task Force Report

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Pennsylvania Office of Victim Services; Human Trafficking Information and Victim Assistance

50 State Comparison Report: A Comparison of State Occupational Licensure Requirement and Processes

Act 6 of 2018 Notice to All Licensees, Registrants, Certificate Holders & Permit Holders (PDF)

Notice - Act 65 Of 2023 Expungement Provisions (PDF)​


Elder Abuse Prevention Guides

Elder Financial Abuse (PDF)