Superintendent and IU Executive Director

Letter of Eligibility (90) – Traditional Letter

  • Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides verification of six years of satisfactory school experience, of which at least three must be in a supervisory or administrative capacity.
  • Completes a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level superintendent certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program. A 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.​
  • Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania-required test.

Commission Qualification Letter (96) – Alternative Letter

There are two options available for issuance of a Commission Qualification Letter as follows:

Option 1

  • Holds a graduate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university in business, finance, or management.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides verification of four years of relevant business, finance, or management work experience in the fields of business, industry, or education.

Option 2

  • Has served as a chief recovery officer or a financial administrator as defined in 24 P.S. § 631-A.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.

Anyone serving as a superintendent/assistant superintendent under a Commission Qualification Letter obtained through either option must complete a leadership development program that meets the Pennsylvania School Leadership Standards under 24 P.S. § 12-1217 within the initial contract term. There are currently three options to meet this requirement as listed below.  If the PDE Superintendents' Academy was completed prior to July 2021, it will be accepted if completion can be verified.

  • A state-approved, graduate-level superintendent certification program
  • NCEE​ Executive Development Program
  • The PASA New Superintendents' Academy

Submitting an Application

Select the link that best describes you:

I completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

I completed an approved preparation program in Pennsylvania.

I am applying for the Commission Qualification letter (CQL).

Letter of Eligibility (90)

  • Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Completes a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level IU Executive Director certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program – a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) is required – OR holds a master's or doctorate degree plus 40 hours of graduate study successfully completed at a state-approved college or university.
  • Provides verification of six years of experience in education work at the elementary, secondary, county office, intermediate unit, the Department, or state-approved college or university level. In three of these six years, the applicant shall have served successfully in a management or supervisory capacity.
  • Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania-required test.

Submitting an Application

I completed an approved preparation program in Pennsylvania or am applying based on my degree/graduate-level credits.

If applying based on an approved preparation program in Pennsylvania, be sure to answer 'yes' when TIMS asks if a Pennsylvania institution will verify that you meet certification requirements for the certificate you are applying for.

If applying based on your degree and graduate-level credits, be sure to answer 'no' when TIMS asks if a Pennsylvania institution will verify that you meet certification requirements for the certificate you are applying for.

Principal and Career and Technical Administrative Director

PA Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program​ - The PIL Program is a statewide, standards-based, continuing professional education program for school and system leaders

Individuals may qualify for an administrative certificate for purposes of employment in Pennsylvania’s public schools via a traditional, certificate/experience, or alternative route. 

Principal (75) Traditional Route

  • Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process.”
  • Completes a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level principal certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
  • Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.

Principal (72) Alternative Route

  • Holds a baccalaureate degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is “professional experience in an educational setting that is related to the instructional process.”
  • Provides verification of an offer of employment as a principal, vice principal, or assistant principal from a Pennsylvania public school.
  • Within two years of issuance, the Administrative Provisional I certificate holder must convert to the Administrative I (75) certification by either:
    • Completing a Pennsylvania-approved, graduate-level principal certification program that includes an internship/practicum or an equivalent out-of-state program. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required; and
    • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of school law and regulations by passing the Pennsylvania required test.
    • Providing proof of completion of a PDE-approved Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Induction Program; and
    • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of school law and regulations by passing the Pennsylvania required test.

Adding Principal (75) Certification

  • Holds a PA Principal certificate (83, 84), Career and Technical Administrative Director certificate (78, 83, 84) or Letter of Eligibility (90).
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.
  • When applying based on this route, applicants must indicate 'no' when TIMS asks if a PA institution will verify that they meet certification requirements.

Submitting an Application

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program inside of Pennsylvania, Administrative Provisional I (alternate route) applicants, and applicants adding Principal certification

Administrative Certification and the PIL Induction Requirement, Type Code 83

In accordance with Act 45 of 2007, individuals who are employed as a principal or assistant/vice principal in a public school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the first time after January 1, 2008, must meet the following requirements to convert their Administrative I certificate to Administrative II:

  • complete three years of satisfactory service on the PA Administrative I certificate; and 
  • complete the PDE approved PA Inspired Leadership (PIL) Induction Program. 

For those individuals who are not working as a principal, vice principal or assistant, but are employed in another capacity such as supervisor of a single subject, the time spent working in that position will not count against the five years of Level I service time. If they wish to convert to Level II, they must meet the requirements for Administrative II certification, including induction and service time. Their service may be credited toward Level II certification at the option of the certificate holder.

Under the provisions of this statute, any educator who holds an Administrative I certificate and who is employed as a principal or assistant/vice principal after January 2008 for the first time in a Pennsylvania public school has five (5) years to complete the statutory requirements for Administrative II certification. Therefore, the following clarification identifies that this applies to administrators who hold either of the administrative certificates below:

  • Type Code 75 for Principal K - 12, valid for five (5) years of service; or
  • Type Code 83 for Elementary Principal and/or Secondary Principal, previously valid for three (3) years of service.

Although these certificates were originally issued as valid for three (3) years of service, educators who are employed on these certificates for the first time after January 1, 2008 will be given five (5) years to complete the PIL Induction and these certificates will be valid for five (5) years of service as a principal or assistant/vice principal in the public schools in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Submitting an Application

Applicants for Administrative Level II Certification

Requirements for Certification

Below are three avenues which individuals may utilize to qualify for a Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate for purposes of employment in a Pennsylvania Career and Technical Educational Center. The requirements below offer more flexibility for becoming a permanently certified career and technical administrative director.

Career and Technical Administrative Director Certification (Traditional Route)

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) will issue the Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate to an applicant who:


  • Has a bachelor's degree.
  • Satisfies the requirements in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209.
  • Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience in a career and technical education school. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is "professional experience in a career and technical education school that is related to the instructional process."
  • Completes an approved program of graduate study in educational leadership. Preparation completed out-of-state must meet Pennsylvania standards. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
    • Provides proof of completion of the graduate program by either submitting the recommendation for certification by the authorized certification officer or by submitting the transcript indicating completion of a graduate program in education and conferral of a graduate degree from an approved college or university.
  • Presents evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Praxis test required for career and technical administrative directors.

Provisional Career and Technical Administrative Director Certification (Alternative Route)

PDE will issue a Provisional Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate to an applicant who:


  • Has a bachelor's degree.
  • Satisfies the requirements in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209.
  • Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience in a career and technical education school. For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is "professional experience in a career and technical education school that is related to the instructional process."
  • Provides verification of an offer of employment as a career and technical administrative director.
  • Within two years of employment as a career and technical administrative director, the provisional certificate holder must either:
    • Complete an approved career and technical administrative director preparation program. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required; and
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of school law by presenting evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Praxis test required for career and technical administrative directors.
    • Provide proof of completion of an Introductory Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) program approved by PDE; and
    • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of school law by presenting evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Praxis test required for career and technical administrative directors.

Adding Career and Technical Administrative Director (78) Certification

PDE will issue the Career and Technical Administrative Director Certificate to an applicant who:


  • Holds a PA Principal certificate (75, 78, 83, 84) or Letter of Eligibility (90).
  • Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  • Provides verification of three years of relevant professional experience in a career and technical education school.  For the purpose of this section, relevant professional experience is "professional experience in a career and technical education school that is related to the instructional process."
  • Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.
  • When applying based on this route, applicants should follow the second link below and must indicate 'no' when asked if a PA institution will verify that they meet certification requirements.

Submitting an Application

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program inside of Pennsylvania and Administrative Provisional I (alternate route) applicants

Supervisory Certificates

A Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction is a district-wide specialist in curriculum and instruction across the total grade organization and is responsible for performing the following duties:

  • supervising instruction and evaluating staff as designated by the school superintendent;
  • designing and developing curriculum, learning materials and innovative educational programs;
  • conducting experimental instructional programs, and
  • directing and conducting basic or applied educational research.

Issuance of Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction (Traditional Route)

Preparation for this professional certificate is at the graduate level and presumes in-depth study in the area of Curriculum and Instruction.

A person prepared as a Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction may be eligible for certification provided the applicant:

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  2. Has completed an approved program of graduate study preparing the applicant for the broad area, district-wide supervisory functions specified by the endorsement area of the certificate. (Preparation completed out-of-state must meet Pennsylvania standards for certification.) A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
  3. Is recommended for certification by the authorized certification officer of the institution where such education was obtained or holds a comparable certificate from another state (for out-of-state graduates only).
  4. Provides a chief school administrator's verification of the completion of five years of satisfactory certified school experience in an instructional area (22 PA Code Section 49.111).
  5. Has provided evidence of satisfactory achievement on assessments prescribed by the Department under Section 49.18(a).
  6. Meets all other requirements provided by law.

A listing of institutions with approved programs for the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction certificate can be found at Approved Certification Programs.

Issuance of Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction (Certificate and Experience Route)

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  2. Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  3. Holds a current and valid professional-level out-of-state supervisor of curriculum and instruction certificate/license.
  4. Has two (2) full years of experience as a supervisor of curriculum and instruction.
  5. Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.

Submitting an Application

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program inside of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania offers a district-wide Supervisory certificate for Pupil Personnel Services, which is a PK-12 certificate. This certificate entitles the holder to coordinate or supervise all of the pupil personnel service areas, design and develop supporting materials and innovative and experimental processes and programs affecting the delivery of pupil personnel service, direct or conduct basic or applied research within the pupil personnel service areas, and to articulate the pupil personnel services within the instructional services.

Issuance of Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services (Traditional Route)

Preparation for this professional certificate is at the graduate level and presumes in-depth study in the area of pupil personnel services.

A person prepared as a Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services may be eligible for certification provided the applicant:

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  2. Has completed an approved program of graduate study preparing the applicant for the broad area, district-wide supervisory functions specified by the endorsement area of the certificate. Preparation completed out-of-state must meet Pennsylvania standards for certification. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
  3. Is recommended for certification by the authorized certification officer of the institution where such education was obtained or holds a comparable certificate from another state (for out-of-state graduates only).
  4. Provides a chief school administrator's verification of the completion of five years of satisfactory certified school experience in a pupil personnel service area (22 PA Code Section 49.111).
  5. Has provided evidence of satisfactory achievement on assessments prescribed by the Department under Section 49.18(a).
  6. Meets all other requirements provided by law.

A listing of institutions with approved programs for the Supervisor of Pupil Personnel certificate can be found under Approved Certification Programs.

Issuance of the Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services (Certificate and Experience Route)

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  2. Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  3. Holds a current and valid professional-level out-of-state supervisor of pupil personnel services certificate/license.
  4. Has two (2) full years of experience as a supervisor of pupil personnel services.
  5. Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.

Submitting an Application

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program inside of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania offers a Single Area Supervisory Certificate for grade levels PK-12 within a specified instructional or educational service area of the curriculum or school program (examples: supervisor of mathematics; supervisor of reading; supervisor of school guidance services).

This certificate entitles a person to function between the school administration and certified professional staff of a public school for enhancing the attainment of the employer's expectations and goals by authorizing duties using independent judgment not equally shared by all professional certified staff, directing other certified persons, and having direct input to administrators which substantially affects the employment, assignment, transfer, promotion, layoff, discharge, or other similar personnel actions of other certified professional level employees.

Issuance of a Single Area Supervisory Certificate (Traditional Route)

Preparation for this professional certificate is at the graduate level and presumes in-depth study in the area of supervision.

A person prepared as a Single Area Supervisor may be eligible for certification provided the applicant:

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university
  2. Has completed an approved program of graduate study preparing him/her for the responsibilities of supervising in the specified single program area and of directing the activities of certificated professional employees. Preparation completed out-of-state must meet Pennsylvania standards for certification. A 3.0 program Grade Point Average (GPA) is required.
  3. Is recommended for certification by the authorized certification officer of the institution where such education was obtained, or holds a comparable certificate from another state (for out-of-state graduates only).
  4. Provides a chief school administrator's verification of the completion of five years of satisfactory certified school experience in the area for which the certificate is sought. (22 PA Code Section 49.111).
  5. Has provided evidence of satisfactory achievement on assessments prescribed by the Department under Section 49.18(a).
  6. Meets all other requirements provided by law.

Issuance of a Single Area Supervisory Certificate (Certificate and Experience Route)

  1. Holds a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally or nationally accredited college/university.
  2. Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  3. Holds a current and valid professional-level out-of-state supervisory certificate/license in the same subject area, i.e., math.
  4. Has two (2) full years of experience as a supervisor in the same subject area.
  5. Provides evidence of satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required test.

Adding a Single Area Supervisory Certificate (Excludes Special Education)

  1. Holds a valid Pennsylvania single area, curriculum and instruction, or pupil personnel services supervisory certificate.
  2. Satisfies the requirements set forth in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209 relating to good moral character.
  3. Demonstrates competency in the requested supervisory area by verifying completion of one of the following in the supervisory area sought:
    • 12 semester-hour credits from a regionally and/or nationally accredited college/university completed within 10 years of the date of application; or
    • Satisfactory achievement on the Pennsylvania required content area test.

Submitting an Application

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

Applicants who completed an approved preparation program inside of Pennsylvania.

The Supervisor of Career and Technical Education involves the understanding of the fundamental knowledge and competence required in career and technical supervision and leadership when working with career and technical school students in grades 7-12.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education will issue a Supervisor of Career and Technical Education Certificate to a person who completes a Pennsylvania-approved Supervisor of Career and Technical Education Program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and has a minimum of three (3) years of satisfactory certified career and technical education teaching experience and whose primary assignment will be one or more of the following:

  1. Instructional supervision in the fields of career and technical education education— career and technical education agriculture, career and technical education business, distributive education, health occupations, career and technical education family and consumer science, and career and technical education industrial, or trade and industrial—in area career and technical schools and corresponding career and technical education courses in the public secondary schools of this Commonwealth.  Directing the activities of professional staff teaching in the program areas specified.
  2. Meets the requirements of §49.111(a)(3)—(5) (relating to Supervisory Certificate).
  3. Is able to meet all other requirements provided by law.

Submitting an Application

Select the link that best describes you:

I completed an approved preparation program outside of Pennsylvania.

I completed an approved preparation program in Pennsylvania.

Service Predeterminations

When a candidate for a supervisory certificate, administrative certificate, or letter of eligibility seeks departmental evaluation of their service before enrolling in a program of study to meet the educational requirements for such certificate, submission of a formal application with fee must be submitted to the Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality.  Applications are submitted in TIMS by choosing New Credential Application then Pre-enrollment Experience Determination.