Guidelines for Use of Student Teachers (per 22 PA Code 354.25(f)) as Substitutes

The integrity of the student teaching experience must be protected. A candidate should have a supervised experience which allows them to concentrate on applying the skills and knowledge they have acquired in their respective program. The following guidelines are to ensure the experience meets statutory requirements while also providing flexibility for the field.

  • Substitute teaching does not replace the minimum 12-week supervised student teaching experience as required under 22 Pa. Code §354.25(f).
  • Post-Baccalaureate students who are working on an internship certificate or as a type 01 long-term substitute in the subject area of their certificate may have the supervised student teaching experience incorporated into the internship or long-term substitute service as long as the student teaching experience satisfies the criteria established in Chapter 354.
  • The student teacher may not be the teacher of record unless they are a post-Baccalaureate candidate serving in a Type 01 long-term substitute capacity or on an internship certificate as identified above.
  • Per 24 P.S. § 12-1219 each teacher preparation program approved by the department shall have a policy regarding allowing an individual undertaking a student teacher program under 22 Pa. Code § 354.25(f) (relating to preparation program curriculum) and satisfying the requirements of section 1201.1(1) to teach as a substitute in exchange for financial compensation, if the individual has received at least one satisfactory observation related to the individual's student teacher program. A teacher preparation program policy may not prohibit substitute teaching by individuals who have received at least one satisfactory observation related to their student teacher program.
  • Student teachers (students engaged in student teaching) per 22 Pa. Code §354.25(f) may not substitute for longer than 10 days in their assigned classroom or classrooms or for other teachers within the building or buildings where they have been placed as a student teacher and must possess at least one satisfactory observation related to their student teacher program [24 P.S. § 12-1201.1 & 12-1219]. The LEA (cooperating) teacher and IHE (supervisor) should work together to maintain the integrity of the student teaching experience.
  • Student teachers operating in accordance with the policy required under section 1219 may be compensated as determined by the LEA where they are working.
  • Up to 50% of the student teaching experience may be completed through a teaching experience in a cyber or remote learning environment.