The Pennsylvania Department of Education will issue Career and Technical Instructional Certificates to persons whose primary responsibility is teaching occupational skills in State approved career and technical education programs in the public schools of the Commonwealth.

​2128​Agricultural and Food Products​2104​Engineering Related Technology
2026Agriculture Mechanics2131Forestry Technology/Technician
​2129​Agricultural Productions​2076​Graphic Occupations
2010Air Conditioning2202Health Assistant
​2130​Animal Science​2214​Health Related Technology
2105Architectural – Design Tech2596Heavy Equip Construction – Operation
2510Audio-Visual Comm Tech2044Heavy Equip Construction – Repair Tech
2004Auto Parts Counterman2012Horticulture Floriculture
2005Automotive Body & Fender2086Hotel/Motel Management
2575Automotive Technician2048Law Enforcement
2011Barbering2043Machine Shop
2580Biological Technology2126Management Information Systems
2014Building Construction Trades2082Masonry Occupations
2013Building Trades Maintenance2207Medical Assistant
2017Carpentry2206Medical Records Techology
2216Child Care Services2072Metalworking Occupations
2019Commercial Art​2083Military Science (ROTC)
​2020​Commercial Photogaphy2047Mill Work & Cabinet Making
2559Communications Tech2132Natural Resource Manage and Policy
​2102​Computer Servicing Tech​2560​Network Systems Technology
2121Computer Technology2213Nurses Aide
2361Cooperative Education2049Painting & Decorating
2200Dance122Protective Serv Occupations
2201Dental Assistant2059Quantity Foods
2025Diesel Mechanic2223Rehabilitation Aide
​2585​Digital Technology​2565​Retail Commercial Baking
2586Digital Web Design2067Small Engine Repair
2027Drafting2133Solar Energy Technology
2092Elec Power & Comm Lineperson2134Surgical Technology
2088Electrical Occupations2071Textile Production and Fabrication
2107Electrical Technology2550Veterinarian Assistant
2111Electronics Technology2079Welding
2299Emerg Care Attend (EMT Ambul)2125Well Drilling/Driller

Career and Technical Intern Certificate

Career and Technical Intern certification for teaching in programs of vocational education in the public schools of the Commonwealth requires:

  1. Acceptable evidence of experience verified by Temple University, Penn State University, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania (see below). Individuals interested in enrolling with Point Park University must present experience verification from Temple, Penn State, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania to Point Park University.
    • Four years wage-earning experience in the occupation to be taught; or
    • Two years wage-earning experience in the occupation to be taught and hold a bachelor’s degree; or
    • Four years full-time experience teaching post-secondary courses at a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the occupation to be taught; or
    • When applicable to the occupation to be taught, four years volunteer experience as a firefighter or emergency medical technician.
  2. Acceptance for enrollment in a State-approved career and technical teacher preparation program at one of the universities listed below;
  3. Passing the appropriate occupational competency examination, or evaluation of credentials for occupations where examinations do not exist;
  4. The recommendation for the Career and Technical Intern Certificate by the university at which they are enrolled or accepted; and
  5. Meeting all other requirements provided by law (School Code 1209 and Title 22, Pa. Code, Section 49.12).

The Career and Technical Intern Certificate shall be issued for a validity period of three calendar years from the date of issuance.

Career and Technical Instructional I Certificate

Individuals qualifying for the Career and Technical Instructional I Certificate shall be authorized to teach in the occupational competency area(s) they hold.

The Career and Technical I certificate and the occupational competency areas are issued by the Department on the recommendation of a university having a Pennsylvania approved career and technical teacher preparation program. The applicant must have:

  1. Acceptable evidence of experience verified by Temple University, Penn State University, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania (see below). Individuals interested in enrolling with Point Park University must present experience verification from Temple, Penn State, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania to Point Park University. 
    • Four years wage-earning experience in the occupation to be taught; or
    • Two years wage-earning experience in the occupation to be taught and hold a bachelor’s degree; or
    • Four years full-time experience teaching post-secondary courses at a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the occupation to be taught; or
    • When applicable to the occupation to be taught, four years volunteer experience as a firefighter or emergency medical technician.
  2. Passed the appropriate occupational competency examination, or evaluation of credentials for occupations where examinations do not exist;
  3. Completed 18 credit hours in an approved program of career and technical teacher education;
  4. Met all requirements provided by law (School Code 1209 and Title 22, Pa. Code, Section 49.12); and
  5. Received the recommendation of the preparing Pennsylvania university.

IMPORTANT: Career and Technical Instructional I certificates issued on or after July 13, 2016 will be valid for eight (8) years of service. Career and Technical Instructional I certificates issued prior to July 13, 2016 that had six years of validity (under the 1999 regulations) and that are valid on July 13, 2016, will have a total of eight (8) years of validity. Career and Technical Instructional I certificates issued prior to July 13, 2016 that had seven (7) years of validity (under the 1987 regulations) and that are valid on July 13, 2016, will receive an additional one school term/year of valid service.

Career and Technical Instructional I for Out-of-State Applicants

PDE shall issue a PA Career and Technical Instructional I certificate to an out-of-state applicant who satisfies the following:

  1. Holds a current Career and Technical teaching certification or equivalent issued by another state.
  2. Completed a minimum of four years of wage-earning experience in the occupation to be taught. Work experience must be verified by Temple University, Penn State University, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania (see below).
  3. Verifies at least two years of classroom teaching experience and provides satisfactory professional educator performance for the two most recent years of classroom teaching.
  4. For specific career and technical occupational areas, holds a related professional license/certificate. Areas requiring a professional license/certificate and the professional license/certificate required can be found in Appendix C of the Occupational Competency Assessment Policy Manual (PDF).
  5. Meets all requirements in 22 PA Code §49.12 (relating to eligibility).

The Career and Technical Instructional I certification will be valid for 8 service years and shall be converted to a Career and Technical Instructional II certificate in accordance with 22 PA. Code §49.143 (Relating to Career and Technical Instructional II).

Career & Technical applicants prepared outside of Pennsylvania should contact Temple University, Penn State University, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania (see below) as a first step in the certification process.

Career and Technical Instructional II Certificate

The Career and Technical Instructional II Certificate shall be a permanent certificate issued to an applicant who has:

  1. Completed three years of satisfactory teaching on a Career and Technical Instructional I Certificate attested to by the chief school administrator of the approved public or nonpublic school entity in which the most recent service of the applicant was performed;
  2. Completed 42 credit hours in an approved program of career and technical education at Temple University, Penn State University, or Indiana University of Pennsylvania;
  3. Presented evidence of satisfactory ratings conducted by the public or nonpublic school entity;
  4. Presented evidence of having passed the Career and Technical II assessment;
  5. Completed a Pennsylvania Department of education-approved induction program; and
  6. Received the recommendation of the preparing Pennsylvania university.

How to Apply

Candidates for Career and Technical Intern or Career and Technical Instructional I certification must apply through one of the following career and technical teacher preparing institutions:

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Temple University - Main Campus
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Ritter Hall 372
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 204-6025

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
The Pennsylvania State University
301 Keller Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-0804

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Reschini House
1110 Maple Street
Indiana, PA 15705
(724) 357-4435

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Point Park University
201 Wood Street, Academic Hall, 7th Floor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
(412) 389-6631

Candidates for Career and Technical Instructional II certification must apply through one of the following career and technical teacher preparing institutions:

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Temple University - Main Campus
1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Ritter Hall 372
Philadelphia, PA 19122
(215) 204-6025

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
The Pennsylvania State University
301 Keller Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-0804

Coordinator, Career and Technical Education
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Reschini House
1110 Maple Street
Indiana, PA 15705
(724) 357-4435