SY24-25 Professional Learning ​Opportunities

Resources and current professional learning opportunities on PVAAS and K-12 Data are found here.

​​​​​​​Understanding & Using Data for a Purpose

Professional learning opportunities in SY24-25 will continue to focus on supporting educators in gaining a deeper understanding of PVAAS and other K-12 data to use the information for specific purposes and decisions aligned to educators' work at the LEA/district, school, grade/subject, classroom, and student levels. 

For professional learning opportunities specific to PVAAS Roster Verification, please visit the PVAAS Roster Verification webpage. ​

Visit again soon for sessions coming in summer 2025 and SY2025-2026!

​​Support and Assistance

For answers to questions regarding statewide support or professional learning, please contact the PVAAS Statewide Team via phone: 717-606-1911 or email: pdepvaas@iu13.org.