Institute for Law Enforcement Education

​Criminal and Drug Investigation Programs

Course Number: CR-508
Course Length: 2 Days (16 Hours)

This workshop trains police officers to detect, investigate and arrest those persons who are trafficking illegal drugs and drug money upon the highways. This program is designed for the patrol officer who is assigned traffic and preventative patrol duties. Applicants for this course must be sworn law enforcement officers.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Overview of Illicit Drug Traffic
  • Concept of Criminal Patrol
  • Search Techniques
  • Criminal Patrol Procedures
  • Roadside Interviews and/or Interrogations
  • Physical Evidence Detection and Collection
  • Note Taking and Report Writing
  • Drug Recognition and Packaging
  • Officer Safety Issues
drug interdiction

Course Number: CR-509
Course Length: 6 Hours ( 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

This one-day course offers the manufacturer's certification on how to complete a proper field test for suspected drugs using the NIK Public Safety System of Narcotics Identification - NIK System, formerly known as Becton-Dickinson.

The course curriculum includes the following:

  • Legal Aspects of Drug Field Testing
  • Configuration of Test Kit
  • Grouping of Substances for Testing
  • Use of Drug Kit
  • Disposal of Test Kit and Residue

Course Number: CR-557
Course Length: 3 Days (22.5 hours)

Classes are available on a limited basis.

This three-day course of instruction is designed to facilitate both patrol officers and criminal investigators while dealing with deceptive subjects.  It provides the student with the tools necessary to conduct suspect interviews, identify the deceptive subject and obtain confessions.  We will discuss the phases of the formal interview and expose each participant to the potential utility of different questioning techniques used to obtain more detailed information in compliant subjects. An important goal of this instruction is to raise the confidence level of the officer by using a systematic approach to finding the truth so that they can confront the dishonest subject and ultimately gain the truth.  

This course utilizes video from real life interviews so that the student has the opportunity to see the successful employment of the techniques that are taught.  Extensive instruction and discussion of video examples that detail what deception looks and sounds like will provide the student with valuable insight into detecting deception.  

We will discuss the steps to interrogation which include developing themes and tailoring a monologue, positively confronting the deceptive subject, handling any denials, redirecting their resistance to telling the truth and gaining the guilty person’s trust through empathy and rapport building.