Institute for Law Enforcement Education

​​​​​Frequently Asked Questions

​There is no charge to Pennsylvania or Federal Law Enforcement officers for the training courses.

Simply submit an Enrollment Form (PDF) ​​​to the ILEE ​office and you will receive a course confirmation email approximately 30 days prior to the course start date, if the class is not full.

  • You can e-mail us and have your name and address placed on our mailing list.
  • You can check our website for the latest information on newly scheduled training courses.
  • You can also call our office to check if a particular course is scheduled for your area. The office staff will be happy to assist you.

​The Institute for​​ Law Enforcement Education is a federally funded program. Federal 402 funds are provided from the PA Department of Transportation.

​Our instructors consist of professionals who combine practical law enforcement skills with many years of police training experience and the academic background necessary to effectively train in-service law enforcement officers. The regular complement of staff and faculty is supplemented by part-time professionals from law enforcement, government and the academic community. Our instructors are located throughout the Commonwealth.

​Most training courses are conducted at host agency buildings throughout the Commonwealth. These locations may be community colleges, police departments, fire departments, municipal buildings, hotels, community centers, etc.

​Your Pennsylvania agency can host training courses free of charge. To do so, complete a Course Request Form (PDF) and submit it to ILEE. A minimum class size, certain facilities, and equipment are required. Most of the courses listed in the calendar are available to any Pennsylvania law enforcement agency that can meet the criteria for hosting the course.

​Near Interst​​ate 81, off the Paxtonia exit number 72A, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.