Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program

The Dual Credit Innovation Grant provides funding to public institutions to expand capacity and enable students from underrepresented populations to access dual credit programs.

Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program

Pennsylvania higher education institutions enrolled over 48,000 high school students in dual credit courses in the 2022-23 school year. Dual credit programs allow high school students to take college courses and earn both college and high school credit. Dual credit courses also have been found to increase college readiness, college attendance, and college attainment, especially among traditionally underserved students. Yet, these students are underrepresented in dual credit courses.

In an effort to enable more underrepresented student access to dual credit programs, in July 2024, Section 2004-I of the School Code established the Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to provide funding for public colleges and universities to increase capacity to provide dual credit courses.

The inaugural grant funding is $14 million, and priority will be given to programs that expand current offerings with an emphasis on providing courses aligned with high-priority occupations and serving the following populations:

  • Students experiencing education instability;
  • Students enrolled in career and technical education programs;
  • Low-income students;
  • Historically underserved student groups; and
  • Students in rural areas of the commonwealth.


The Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program provides funding to public institutions of higher education to include the following:

  • An institution of the State System of Higher Education established under Article XX-A;
  • A community college established under Article XIX-A;
  • Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology;
  • The Pennsylvania College of Technology; and
  • The rural regional college established under Article XIX-G, upon accreditation.

If the Department does not receive sufficient applications to expend the available funding, the department may reopen the grant application and award grants to State-related institutions and independent institutions of higher education.

Only one proposal will be accepted from each institution. Applicants may not apply as a consortium. Only the main campus may apply, and funds can be disseminated to branches as the institution deems appropriate if awarded.

Funding may only be used to offer college coursework to high school students enrolled in eligible school entities. For the purposes of this grant program, the law defines a school entity as a school district, area career and technical school, charter school, cyber charter school or regional charter school.

Applicants must provide letters of support from each partner school entity receiving dual credit programming or services under this grant.

For access to the eGrants system and the related grant opportunities, prospective applicants must complete the eGrants Request Form. Please note that the person completing the grant application must have signatory authority to negotiate grants and contracts for the institution and be able to upload documentation into the eGrants system. Institutions with eSign ability in eGrants will be able to utilize this feature to complete the application.

The application for 2025: