For a listing of Pennsylvania's Private Licensed Schools, using the link 'List of Private Licensed Schools' below, select 'Private Licensed Schools' as the type of Postsecondary Institution when conducting your search.

To review the Board-approved programs offered at a specific school, using the link 'Programs at Private Licensed Schools' below, select 'Click here to search program profile', and then enter the school's name to conduct your search.


All applications must be uploaded/submitted to the PLS SharePoint site

IMPORTANT: A PA Login account (PA Login Registration) must be utilized to access the PLS SharePoint site. Keystone Login accounts will not work with any PDE SharePoint sites. 

For information on obtaining access and submitting documents to the Private Licensed Schools SharePoint Site, please access 'SharePoint Site Access Instructions​'.  

The most common fixes to the error message 'this site has not been shared with you':

  • Cache: Use system settings to clear the computer's internet cache.
  • Browser: Switch to an alternate internet browser (i.e., MS Edge, Google, Internet Explorer, etc.).
  • Firewall: Modify network firewalls to allow uploading or switch to an alternate network (i.e., home, library, etc.).
  • System: Macintosh operating systems may experience difficulties, switch to an alternate Windows computer. System settings on an individual computer may prevent uploading, switch to an alternate Windows computer.
  • Account: Ensure the PA Login account has been granted access to the PLS SharePoint site (for confirmation, please email and provide the first and last name of the user associated with the PA Login account, the username, and the associated email address).  Ensure a PA Login account is being utilized, rather than a Keystone Login account.
  • SharePoint Site: PDE has multiple SharePoint sites, you may be attempting to access a SharePoint site other than the PLS SharePoint site. If the site was previously bookmarked, the site may have moved. Ensure you are accessing the PLS SharePoint Site.
  • Item: When uploading revised documents to replace previously submitted documents, ensure the original PA Login account is being used to upload the resubmission.

You may wish to contact the PLS administrative team after uploading to confirm submission at 717-783-8228 or


IMPORTANT: PA Login accounts do not work with MyPDESuite. You must use your Keystone Login account to access MyPDESuite.

To log into MyPDESuite, you need to use your Keystone Login. Use the link below to register a new Keystone Login.

MyPDESuite is a web portal that enables users to access various PDE data collection applications.

Users are granted access to applications by a security administrator at their school. The security administrator is responsible for adding and removing users on behalf of their school. Security administrators should review their users on a regular basis to add/remove user access.

For additional information about MyPDESuite, including login information, help desk contact information, help guides for users, and help guides for security administrators please visit:

Use the link below to register a new PA Login.

PA Login Registration

Use the link below to register a new Keystone Login.

For all questions, concerns, and issues with a Keystone Login, please contact the help desk at 877-328-0995.

Users requiring technical assistance beyond that which Board staff can provide should contact the PDE Help Desk.


Submitting Mailed Documents

Please allow 10-14 business days from the time of mailing for your documents to be received in our offices. It may prove beneficial to send critical and/or time-sensitive items by trackable means.  Providing the tracking information to Board staff will allow them to confirm if the mail item has been received by PDE, even if it has not yet been delivered directly to our office.

Please be sure to include any pertinent information with all correspondence.  Indicate the name of the school and specifically what the item pertains to.

Pennsylvania Department of Education 
Division of Postsecondary Proprietary Training
State Board of Private Licensed Schools
607 South Drive, Floor 3E
Harrisburg, PA 17120​