Governor Shapiro's proposed 2024-25 fiscal year budget includes $94,537,0000 for the Secondary Career and Technical Education Subsidy (SCTES).
The formula for the SCTES is described in section 2502.8 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code.
Reimbursement is provided for the following vocational programs: agriculture education, distributive education, health occupations education, home economics education (gainful), business education, technical education, trade and industrial education, or any other occupational-oriented program approved by the Secretary of Education.
The subsidy is calculated as follows:
Determine the vocational average daily membership (VADM) by: multiplying the average daily membership of students in vocational programs in a career and technology center by 0.2668; multiplying the average daily membership of students in vocational programs in a school district (SD) or charter school by 0.2178.
Determine the based earned for reimbursement (BER) using the state median actual instruction expense per weighted average daily membership (AIE/WADM) and the equalized mills (EqM):
BER = State Median AIE/WADM – Highest EqM – SD EqM x $200
Highest EqM – Lowest EqMThe formula amount equals the lesser of the AIE/WADM or the BER multiplied by the greater of the market value/personal income aid ratio or 0.3750 multiplied by the VADM
Beginning in the 2019-20 fiscal year, payments will not be proportionately reduced in accordance with section 2502.8 (f).
The following files provide proposed funding allocations for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The 2023-24 file will be updated in May to reflect updated 2022-23 Average Daily Membership and Actual Instruction Expense. The data updates will impact allocations moving forward.
2024-2025 Proposed Secondary Career and Technical Education Subsidy (Excel)