The Lobbying Disclosure Law

The Lobbying Disclosure Law took effect January 1, 2007.  The Lobbying Disclosure Law may be found at 65 Pa.C.S. § 13A01 et seq.   The Lobbying Disclosure Law imposes registration and reporting requirements and restrictions on lobbyists and lobbying firms.  The registration and reporting requirements and restrictions also apply to principals, which are people, businesses, and others who lobby on their own behalf or pay someone else to lobby on their behalf.   The Pennsylvania Department of State is responsible for administering the registration and reporting requirements for lobbyists, lobbying firms, and principals.

Powers & Duties

The Ethics Commission is responsible for enforcing the registration and reporting requirements that apply to lobbyists, lobbying firms, and principals.   The Ethics Commission is also responsible for investigating alleged lobbying conflicts of interests and unlawful activities of lobbyists and principals.  The Ethics Commission’s duties include issuing advisories to various parties about compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Law.  

Lobbying Disclosure Law - PDF


Additional Information

More information about the Lobbying Disclosure Law may be found at the Pennsylvania Department of State’s website.  The link below provides contact information for the Pennsylvania Department of State, access to filed registration statements and quarterly expense reports, and other information about lobbying in Pennsylvania:

PA Department of State - Division of Campaign Finance and Lobbying Disclosure