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State Licensure and/or Federal Medicare Certification

A home health care agency is defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as "... an organization staffed and equipped to provide skilled nursing care and at least one other therapeutic service - home health aides, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, or medical social services - to persons on a part-time basis or intermittent basis in their place of residence (PA Code 28 §601.6)."

If the above definition is met, complete the following document to apply for state licensure.

Home Health Agency Application Materials

Applications may be emailed to ra-dhhhandhosinitial@pa.gov.  Be sure to physically mail the required fee for your application to be reviewed.  Please note: Commonwealth email servers do not accept large email attachments.  You may have to email the application in separate sections.

If your application is in accordance with Pennsylvania home health agency rules and regulations, the division will issue you a license.  Please keep in mind the length of time for the licensure process depends upon the accuracy of information provided.

Home Health Agency Application for Federal Medicare Certification

NOTE: State licensure as a home health agency is a requirement for federal certification.

CMS Approved Accreditation Organizations

After review and acceptance of the application materials and notification from CMS of the approval of the CMS-855A, the department will conduct a survey before recommending the agency for Medicare certification.


DHS - Child Abuse Clearance Form

PA State Police - Criminal Background Checks

New Fingerprinting Services Information

Mail application fee to:
Please note change of address
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Home Health
2525 N. 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110

Email ra-dhhmedicarechnges@pa.gov