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Rethink Your Drink!

Sugar in sports drinks, sodas, and energy drinks sticks around. Over time, this sugar can lead to cavities, weight gain, and diabetes. Choose water!

Oral health is essential to the well-being of all Pennsylvanians. The Pennsylvania Department of Health's Oral Health Program (Program) emphasizes that you cannot truly be healthy without good oral health.

The program leads the efforts in developing and implementing the stakeholder-driven Pennsylvania Oral Health Plan 2020-2030, through collaboration with other governmental agencies, statewide partners, providers and local community groups. 

The main goals of the program:

  • Prevent oral disease through population-level prevention activities:
  • Community water fluoridation
  • School-based and school-linked dental sealant programs
  • Routine oral cancer screenings
  • Proper oral hygiene behavior by parents and children
  • Assessment of oral health status of the Pennsylvania population.
  • Improving access to dental health services for the underserved.

Contact Information

Oral Health Program
PA Department of Health
Health and Human Services Building
Room 1008
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701
Phone: 717-787-5900
Email:  RA-DHOHP@pa.gov