On July 22, 2004, Congress enacted the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA). The intent of LEOSA was to exempt qualified current and retired law enforcement officers from state laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons while traveling from state to state. LEOSA requires retired law enforcement officers to have a photographic identification card to identify them as retired law enforcement officers. LEOSA also requires the retired law enforcement officer to maintain an annual qualification with their firearm.
In response to LEOSA, on December 13, 2005, the Governor signed Act 79, the Retired Law Enforcement Identification Act (RLEIA). RLEIA tasked the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) with establishing uniform identification and qualification cards for retired law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania and a method of conducting annual firearms qualifications for such individuals.
The final regulations for the Retired Law Enforcement Identification Act (Act 79 of 2005) were published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on September 12, 2009, and amended (as noted) in December 2014. Forms and additional information can be found in:
- Federal Law (Title 18 §926B-§926C, LEOSA)
- Pennsylvania Law (Act 79 of 2005, RLEIA)
- Regulations (37 PA Code, Chapter 221)
RLEIA roles and responsibilities
- Public (Law Enforcement) Agencies
- Retired Officers
- Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors
- Sheriff's Office
MPOETC RLEIA qualification course
During the December 2024 meeting, the MPOETC Commission approved a revised RLEIA qualification course. Firearms instructors authorized to conduct qualifications for retired officers must now use the 2025 MPOETC RLEIA qualification course.