Geoboard Meetings

GeoBoard meetings are open and available for anyone to join. Currently meetings are held quarterly in person and virtual.  Interested parties can listen in by telephone.  

GeoBoard meetings are held at: 

Bureau of Geological Survey
3240 Schoolhouse Road
Middletown, PA, 17057

The listen-in telephone number is included in the meeting agenda, posted on the GeoBoard website – along with relevant meeting materials. 

Task Forces

We are always welcoming volunteers to a Task Force or one of its subcommittees. You can get an idea of current activities by reviewing the past Board meeting agenda, materials and minutes

Task Force Charters

For Task Force leads, please refer to the GeoBoard member list.

Working Groups

The Service Delivery Task Force generally meets as a whole, whereas the Governance and Data Task Forces accomplish work using subcommittees. Many of the Data Task Force entities formed organically over the years as volunteer working groups that were generally supported by GeoBoard member organizations. Some working groups pre-date the GeoBoard, but whether old or new, the ones listed below now associate explicitly with the GeoBoard. Subcommittees and Working Groups meet at least quarterly. Their work is guided by the GeoBoard’s Strategic Plan and Basemap 2030 initiative, and a smaller leadership team. 

Governance Task Force Subcommittees

  • Emerging Technologies

Data Task Force Working Groups

  • Geodetic                                             
  • Elevation                                              
  • Hydrography                                               
  • Civic Boundaries                                               
  • Land Records
  • Addresses and Street Centerlines


New Business Topics

One other way to participate is to suggest a New Business Topic for the GeoBoard to address. Submitted topics are reviewed for merit and as to which Task Force might begin to address the topic. 

Contact Us

F​or more information, contact the PA Geospatial Coordinating Board.     ​