OGC Mediation Program Availability
The OGC Mediation Program is available to individuals, entities, and Commonwealth agencies and their employees who have a dispute with a state agency.
Program Process Overview
- Once all parties agree to mediation, the state agency's Office of Chief Counsel will complete a Request for Mediation form and submit it to OGC. All requests for mediation must come through OGC.
- Once mediation is approved for a case, OGC will provide the parties with a list of trained mediators from which they will select an individual to mediate their case. The list will provide background information on each potential mediator to ensure that the individual has the expertise the parties are seeking and is not from an agency involved in the dispute. In the alternative, the Mediation Director may assign a mediator.
- Once selected, OGC will send the mediator an Appointment Letter assigning him or her to the mediation.
- The mediator will then be in contact with the parties to schedule the mediation. The mediator will also schedule a meeting room for the mediation session in a Commonwealth meeting facility.
- Prior to the mediation, the mediator will send a letter to the parties, which includes Good Faith Ground Rules to guide their conduct during the mediation session. The parties will also be given an Agreement to Mediate and will be asked to complete a Mediation Statement in which they provide a confidential description of the dispute.
Mediation Program Contacts
David Schertz
Program Director
Alexis Dinniman
Program Coordinator
When to Use Mediation
Not every case is appropriate for mediation. Some cases are suitable for litigation, while others ripe for negotiation are also appropriate for mediation. The factors below are predictive, not evaluative. Some factors may be given more weight than others, depending on the circumstances. However, most cases ripe for mediation share many of these factors.
- An important, on-going relationship exists between the parties
- Those with authority to make important decisions are present or can be present forthe mediation
- One side maintains unrealistic views and would benefit from considering the casein a different light
- The parties are open to considering the case in a different light
- The parties are genuinely interested in compromise
- The general attitude of each side toward the other is relatively objective
- Multiple parties are involved, increasing time and cost of litigation
- Both parties seek a speedy and inexpensive resolution to the dispute
- Desire to avoid publicity
- Confidentiality is of great concern to at least one of the parties
- Both sides wish to avoid burdensome, intrusive, or costly full-blown discoveryIssues involved in the dispute are complex or highly technical
- Disputed issues are based upon fact but do not turn on the credibility of keywitnesses
- At least one side seeks a resolution that a court could not grant, such as amodification of the relationship
- Parties wish to have effective control over the outcome of the dispute and avoid arestrictive imposed outcome
- The claim is not frivolous
- There is no need to create legal precedent
- There is no need for injunctive relief
- The chances of winning at trial are uncertain
- Existence of collateral issues that may enhance resolution in a mediation setting
- Need to establish legal precedent
- Frivolous case, absent a bona fide dispute
- Entire case likely to be decided on motion to dismiss or summary judgment
- Need for more time before settlement options can be evaluated
- Parties have not been named or made aware of the dispute
- Authorized decision maker not available
- Financial limitations prevent serious settlement negotiations
- Past settlement was breached by one of the parties
- Parties not genuinely interested in compromise
- Need for immediate equitable relief
Additional Online Resources
- Center for Alternatives in Community Justice
- Good Shepherd Mediation Program
- Lancaster County Mediation Center
- Mediation Council of Western PA
- Mediation Services of Adams County
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Montgomery County Mediation Center
- Neighborhood Dispute Settlement
- Susquehanna Valley Mediation
- The Peace Center
- The Pittsburgh Mediation Group
- Commonwealth Court
- Bankruptcy Court Eastern District
- Bankruptcy Court Middle District
- Bankruptcy Court Western District
- Superior Court
- Third Circuit Court of Appeals
- Eastern District Court Mediation Program
- Middle District Court ADR Program
- Western District Court ADR Program
- US Equal Employment Opportunity
- US Postal Service ADR Program
- United States D.O.J ADR Program
- US Office of Personal Management
Frequently Asked Questions about OGC's Mediation Program
Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that is offered by OGC as an alternative to traditional litigation. Mediation is an informal means of resolving a dispute with the active, direct participation of the parties and the assistance of a trained mediator. The mediator has no authority to impose a settlement on the parties.
Because the mediator helps the parties come up with their own ideas for resolving their problems, the parties are able to control the outcome of the dispute resolution. The parties can establish better relationships through the improved communication and constructive problem solving that is part of the mediation process. Mediation saves time, money and judicial resources. Because the parties have crafted a solution that is acceptable to them, there is also a higher degree of compliance achieved through mediation.
Mediation is most appropriate where there are recurring disputes, a need for an ongoing relationship between the disputants, communication breakdowns, workplace disputes, controversies involving government red tape, bankruptcy or potential bankruptcies, industry-wide disputes, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claims, and those cases where there may be a need for privacy and confidentiality that is not available in a public forum. If you have a question about whether a matter is appropriate for mediation, contact your agency Office of Chief Counsel.
The mediators are OGC attorneys who have received mediation training from the Dickinson Center for Dispute Resolution or through an equivalent mediation training.
The parties can create a signed mediation settlement agreement as a contract that is intended to be legally binding.
All parties will be asked to sign an Agreement to Mediate (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab F) prior to initiating a mediation session. The agreement states that the participants and the mediator agree to keep the session confidential, and that the participants agree not to compel the mediators disclosure of mediation communications or documents. In addition, under state law, 42 Pa.C.S . 5949, all mediation documents and communications are privileged (except for narrow exceptions). Confidentiality extends to all communications during the mediation process, unless otherwise provided for by law.
A violation of law may be resolved through mediation. An attorney should weigh the pluses and minuses of the alternatives mediation, complaint, hearing and decide which is the best option.
Mediation is available at the request of any Commonwealth agency under the Governors jurisdiction, any OGC attorney, any Commonwealth employee, or any party engaged in a dispute with a Commonwealth agency.
There is no cost for the mediation, unless the mediator is required to undergo significant travel expenses. Each party, of course, pays for the partys own counsel and other costs.
It is anticipated that Commonwealth facilities will be utilized for mediations. If the parties mutually wish to incur the cost of another meeting facility, it will be up to the parties (with the assistance, if necessary, of the mediator) to determine how the costs will be shared.
The parties will provide for their own amenities at mediations.
Once both parties agree to mediation, the agencys Office of Chief Counsel will complete a Request for Mediation form (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab C) and submit it to OGC. All requests for mediation must come through OGC. OGC will then provide the parties with a list of trained mediators from which they can make their selection.
OGC will provide the parties with a list of potential mediators. It will be up to the parties to agree on a mediator to handle their case. It is anticipated that this selection will be based on the nature of the dispute and the mediators experience and expertise.
The mediator will receive an Appointment Letter (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab D) from OGC.
The mediator will then be in contact with the parties to schedule the mediation.
The mediator will also schedule a meeting room for the mediation session in a Commonwealth meeting facility.
Prior to the mediation, the mediator will send a letter to the parties, which includes Good Faith Ground Rules to guide their conduct during the mediation session (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab E). The parties will also be given an Agreement to Mediate (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab F) and will be asked to complete a Mediation Statement in which they provide a confidential description of the dispute (See OGC Mediation Handbook Tab E).
The mediator will contact the parties, or counsel if counsel for the parties have initiated the request for mediation, and explain the process and answer any questions. Counsel will be asked to explain the situation and identify all participants. Participants may also be contacted by the mediator. If everyone agrees to participate in mediation, a time and place will be set. During the mediation, the mediator will ask questions to clarify each participants needs and issues. Each issue will be separately addressed for possible solutions. If everyone is satisfied with the proposed resolution, it will be incorporated into a written agreement that the parties will prepare for all to sign.
Separate caucus rooms will be available at all times during the mediation for private, confidential meetings and discussions with the mediator. The mediator or either party may ask for time to caucus privately during the mediation session.
The role of counsel shifts from that of an adversarial representative to that of a consultant, advisor, or coach. Counsel may need to advise the parties as to whether the alternative resolution being explored by the parties is legally acceptable, or help the parties to frame alternative resolutions in ways that are legally appropriate.
Counsel should look at the dispute from the other partys point of view. This will help counsel to determine if there are factors driving the other partys position that might be capable of resolution in a different way. Counsel should focus on how the opponent views the case and the assumptions, evidence and legal analysis that support that view. Counsel should also consider the motivation of the opponents decision maker and the factors that are likely to change or influence that view. Counsel should consider what will happen if settlement is not reached. If there are benefits to settlement, counsel should encourage the parties to be open-minded and to explore solutions that might alleviate the other partys concerns.
A mediators role is to facilitate communication and restate issues and needs in a clear and non-confrontational manner. The mediator may meet with the parties privately to discuss information the party does not wish to share with the other side. If necessary, the mediator can help to provide a reality check regarding unrealistic expectations of a participant, in a private setting. A mediator has a duty of impartiality. Mediators do not judge evidence or decide a case. Mediators do not decide the terms of any resulting agreement, but may assist the parties in drafting issues.
The mediator will be required to provide OGC with a Mediation Summary form that will document only the parties involved in the mediation; their attorneys, if any; the mediator; the date, time and place of mediation; the hours involved in the mediation sessions; and whether the mediation resulted in a settlement. The Mediation Survey Form, completed by agency counsel attending mediation will be maintained by OGC for statistical purposes.
Mediators should not retain their notes or any documents provided by the parties. At the conclusion of the mediation all documents related to the mediation should be promptly destroyed except the Mediation Summary form, which must be submitted to OGC.
The parties, not the mediator, should author settlement agreements. The mediator may assist in resolving drafting issues.
The parties are expected to come to the mediation with an open mind and willingness to listen to the other party. The parties should be respectful of one another and of the mediator and should think creatively about possible solutions to their dispute. The parties should act in good faith at all times.
At any time during the mediation either party has the option to terminate the mediation and pursue a resolution in another forum such as an administrative tribunal or in the courts.
Nothing is lost if mediation does not resolve the dispute. Issues may have narrowed between the parties. Lines of communication may have opened. Parties may have had the opportunity to see the dispute from the other sides perspective. Both parties still have at their disposal access to more traditional means of dispute resolution, including administrative tribunals and the courts. Many times settlement occurs after the mediation sessions end as a result of the efforts expended in the mediation process.