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Victim Offender Dialogue (VOD)

VOD provides a safe space for you to have a conversation with the offender  to identify and repair harms. 

Office of Victim Advocate

Victim Offender Dialogue

What is VOD?

VOD is a victim initiated Restorative Justice Program that provides a safe space for you to engage in a facilitated conversation with the offender.  VOD includes extensive preparation for both you and the offender by trained facilitators. Either you, the offender, or the facilitator, has the right to put the case on hold or end the process at any time. 


What is the process?

The program includes extensive preparation for both you and the offender by trained facilitators. The facilitators prepare both parties independently for the face-to-face meeting, are present during the face-to-face meeting, and provide subsequent follow-up. The face-to-face meeting is held in the state correctional institution or in a safe, private setting within the community (if the offender is on parole).

For those who are unable to or do not want to meet the person face-to-face, indirect dialogue or letter writing is available. This form of dialogue utilizes the same preparation as with a face-to-face meeting. However, the facilitators assist each party with composing, exchanging and reading the letters. No letters will be sent directly to the victim or offender. Instead, the letters go through the Office of Victim Advocate.


Contact OVA

Contact us for more information on the VOD.

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Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 4:00pm

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