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Victim Advocacy- Trauma Services

Trauma can overwhelm your sense of security and safety. 

Office of Victim Advocate


Trauma is an experience, not an incident. Trauma overwhelms our ability to control how we respond to our environment. It is the emotional and mental result of abnormally stressful events that overwhelm your sense of security and safety, making you feel helpless.

It can be difficult to receive notifications of an offender's potential release, see similar events portrayed on the news, or even go about your day.

Victims/survivors of crime – and anyone who has experienced trauma – often experience long term effects as a result of those events. The following feelings and responses are common and OVA is here to assist you.

  • shock, disbelief, confusion
  • grief, denial, depression
  • feelings of detachment
  • fatigue, nausea, dizziness
  • anxiety, panic
  • withdrawal from social activities, family and friends
  • poor concentration and disorientation
  • flashbacks or feeling like the trauma is occurring now
  • headaches, lack of sleep, elevated heart rate
  • difficulty experiencing common daily events


Figuring out how to take care of and protect yourself when you experience these responses can help you cope in a healthy way. A self-care plan includes all of the following components so that you can choose what feels right to you in the moment.

  • Emotional: Remember to honor how you feel. Being overburdened can lead to under productivity. Practice saying no in a way that you feel comfortable. Counseling can also be incredibly valuable.
  • Physical: Moving your body is great for lowering stress and clearing your mind. It's important to eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of sleep.
  • Personal: Spending time on a hobby or interest is an investment in yourself. This looks different for everyone, but it is important to not feel guilty about self-care.
  • Social: Quality time with someone you care for can be rejuvenating. Invest in building relationships that bring you comfort and peace.
  • Pampering: Treating yourself can be as simple as spending time doing something you enjoy that isn't easy to find time for in your normal routine.
  • Household: Cleaning and organizing your space can help to declutter your brain. 


It's important to remember that these overwhelming feelings and reactions are common. They may come and go. As you invest in yourself and build your resiliency, you will continue to grow and evolve finding a path to hope and healing. 


OVA Support Groups

Our support groups utilize cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness, expressive arts, and body-oriented exercises. Each session will include an educational/structured piece along with time for open conversation. 


Support Group Goals:

To understand trauma and its impacts on our lives 

To understand positive coping mechanisms and techniques 

To promote healing and resiliency 

Additional Resouces

Additional resources you may find helpful:

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