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Conferences & Training

Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB) Conference

​Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB) Conference

The CJAB Conference brings together criminal justice, behavioral health, and treatment partners for what promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking one and a half-day event.  We have an exciting line-up of national and local experts who will discuss new and reemerging issues impacting our criminal justice and behavioral health systems, providing innovative strategies and collaborative solutions to meet the challenges ahead.

Who Should Attend

The conference is open to all CJAB members, criminal justice, and behavioral health practitioners.  Plenary and breakout sessions feature universal appeal to all criminal justice and behavioral health professionals, including both introductory level material as well as innovative new concepts

In addition to engaging plenary sessions, we will feature several break-out sessions covering topics such as racial and ethnic disparities, community supervision strategies, reentry, trauma, among many other engaging workshops.