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Commission on Crime and Delinquency Extends Application Period for Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Funding

Harrisburg, PA - Today, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) announced an extended deadline for eligible entities to apply for Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) grant funding. Nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, municipalities, counties, and district attorney’s offices will now have until January 31, 2024 to apply for the state grants.​

On November 30, 2023, PCCD invited organizations working to address the epidemic of gun violence to apply for $40 million in grant funding, as part of the Shapiro-Davis Administration’s commitment to making communities safer and reducing violence.

Last summer I visited with a number of organizations across the Commonwealth that have received VIP grants,” said Lt. Gov. Austin Davis, who serves as PCCD chair. “I was impressed with how impactful these organizations have been and continue to be in their communities. They are doing important work, and the VIP program is an essential part of addressing the epidemic of gun violence and making our communities safer. I encourage eligible entities to take advantage of this deadline extension and apply as soon as possible.”

This competitive funding solicitation, which prioritizes projects focused on effective intervention and prevention strategies to stop gun and group-related violence, contains two application tracks:

Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Grants
Under this application track, eligible applicants can request funding for a wide range of programs that address community violence and prevention efforts. Maximum award amounts for FY 2023-24 VIP Grants will be based on applicants’ current operating budgets, with no applicant able to request more than 50 percent of their annual operating budget, up to $950,000 total.

Coordinated Community Violence Intervention (CCVI) Strategies Projects
The CCVI initiative invests in collaborative community violence prevention and response strategies within focused service areas. Grants will support local planning and implementation of short-term intervention, mid-term prevention, and long-term transformation strategies designed to increase local coordination to more effectively prevent, intervene, and respond to gun and group-related violence. PCCD anticipates selecting two or three applicants seeking funding to support comprehensive CCVI Strategies projects. Applicants are eligible to request up to $3 million in total funding to support planning and implementation of these projects.

Contingent upon availability and authorization of funds, applications awarded for both tracks will be up to 36-month projects with an anticipated start date of April 1, 2024 and end date of March 31, 2027.

Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status, institutions of higher education, municipalities, counties, and district attorney’s offices now have until Wednesday, January 31, 2024, to apply for funding using the electronic submittal form in SurveyMonkey.

Interested applicants can find more information on funding requirements and how to apply on PCCD’s active funding announcements and gun violence grants and funding webpages.

Questions regarding this solicitation and the application process should be forwarded to ra-cd-vipgrants@pa.gov by close of business on Monday, January 29, 2024. Recordings of two webinars for interested applicants and a Q&A document with frequently asked questions can also be found on the PCCD website.

Learn more about PCCD’s initiatives to combat gun violence by visiting our website.  

MEDIA CONTACT: Ali Gantz - algantz@pa.gov

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Media Contacts

Ali Gantz

Communications Director
Commission on Crime and Delinquency Media