The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP™)
SPEP is a validated, data-driven rating system that evaluates juvenile justice programs by measuring how closely the programs’ characteristics match those associated with research studies to have the best recidivism outcomes. More specifically, the SPEP creates a metric by assigning points to programs according to how closely their characteristics match those associated with similar programs shown, in research studies, to have the best recidivism outcomes.
- The type of program
- The service quantity or dosage
- The risk levels of the youth served by the program
- The quality with which the program is implemented.
SPEP provides specific research-based profiles of program characteristics that can be used both as best practice standards against which to evaluate juvenile justice programs and as roadmaps for improving the programs. The more closely programs resemble those that research has shown to be effective, the more points they receive.
The SPEP interactive map provides information on program SPEP scores, and more.
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