Transitioning Home
PCCD has consistently believed and practiced that what happens to young offenders after being discharged from juvenile treatment facilities cannot be an afterthought. “Aftercare” must begin when the offender is placed in residential care and be integrated into programs while in placement. After-care needs must also be incorporated into discharge decision-making.
PCCD-supported aftercare programs emphasize the following:
- Risks, needs, and capacities of each youth;
- Crime victims’ views;
- Performance monitoring;
- Formation of a single plan to include input from multiple groups, from law enforcement to schools;
- evidence-based practices.
What You Need
- Joint Policy Statement on Aftercare (PDF)
- Models for Change
- Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Joint Policy Statement (PDF)
- Probation Case Management Essentials for Youth in Placement (PDF)
- Pennsylvania's Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy Monograph (PDF)
- EPISCenter/Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP)