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Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Youth Advisory Board

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency's (PCCD) Office of Juvenile Programs (OJP), Delinquency Prevention and Juvenile Justice Unit is looking for at least 11-15 current, or former involved adjudicated youth; parents of current or formerly adjudicated youth; and a few (up to three) allied professionals that work with adjudicated youth (this can include: youth advocates, JPO's, social workers, school counselors and others) to start a YOUTH Advisory Board. 

The Youth Advisory Board is a subcommittee of the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Committee (JJDPC) and will be youth led.  The goal of the Advisory Board is to have quarterly meetings, in person and via conference call, to discuss and make recommendations regarding youth issues to the larger JJDPC group. 

If you have any questions, please send an email to: RA-PCCD-OJJDP@pa.gov.