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Reducing Gun Violence

Resources for Victims of Gun Violence Initiative

​In June 2023, PCCD’s Chair Lt. Governor Austin Davis directed PCCD's Victims' Services Advisory Committee (VSAC) to undertake a new statewide Resources for Victims of Gun Violence initiative. 

Resources for Victims of Gun Violence Initiative

The goal of this initiative is to identify existing resources and address gaps to better support survivors, families, and caregivers in Pennsylvania affected by gun violence.  The program is modeled on proposed federal legislation by Casey and Evans, the Resources for Victims of Gun Violence Act, which would establish an interagency Advisory Council at the federal level to help all victims of gun violence – from survivors to their loved ones, coworkers, and classmates – identify and access the resources available to them to help meet a wide range of personal needs.

Work of the Initative

PCCD's Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSAC) and PCCD were directed to accomplish the following deliverables.

Survey victims of gun violence and victim assistance professionals.

Conduct a literature review and assess past or ongoing programs designed to assist victims of gun violence or individuals with similar needs to determine effectiveness.

Identify best and promising practices for assisting victims of gun violence.

Assess the administration of compensation funds (provided through PCCD’s Victim’s Compensation Assistance Program/VCAP) to determine best and promising practices to direct gun violence victims to sources of funding.

Gun Violence Resiliency Needs Assessment

PCCD and ICF are gathering insights to enhance the support ​provided for individuals who have experienced gun violence in communities across Pennsylvania. Opportunities to share insights include surveys and discussion groups with individuals who have experienced gun violence. We also want to hear from organizations or community members who provide support to individuals impacted by gun violence. 

PCCD and ICF will use the findings to:​

  1. Identify gaps in services and determine how to fill those gaps​,
  2. Develop strategies to meet the needs of both individuals who have experienced gun violence and entities who provide assistance, 
  3. Increase resources for communities impacted by gun violence, and 
  4. Pilot a Resiliency Center model in Pennsylvania. Resiliency Centers offer assistance with a variety of options from food, clothing, and housing to legal services, therapeutic support, and victim compensation for​ people impacted by gun violence. ​

The goal is to have equitable resources across communities and make it easier for individuals to access the services they need in response to gun violence. 

We want to hear from you

Survey of Individuals who have Experienced Gun Violence

PCCD is conducting a needs assessment of service providers and individuals ages 18 and older who have experienced gun violence. Take the survey by clicking one of the two links below.