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Programs & Services

School Safety & Security

In 2018, Article XIII-B of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 created the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) within PCCD to help make schools safer places within this Commonwealth.

School Security Personnel Waiver for School Districts

Posted November 6, 2024​

Section 1316-C of the PA Public School Code now requires all school districts to have at least one full-time school security personnel who has completed their requisite training on duty during the school day beginning with the 2024-25 school year unless the district has been granted a waiver from the School Safety and Security Committee at PCCD. Please refer to the following information to determine if your school district should apply for a waiver.


In 2018, Article XIII-B (School Safety and Security) of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 created the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) within PCCD to help make schools safer places within this Commonwealth. Later amendments to Article XIII-B, including Act 18 of 2019, Act 67 of 2019, Act 30 of 2020, Act 55 of 2022, and Act 33 of 2023 created additional responsibilities for the SSSC. Information about the various programs and grants the SSSC administers can be found below.

Grant Information

The deadline for FY 2024-25 School ​Safety Grant Program solicitations closed on Thursday, September 26, 2024.  

When a funding announcement is open, it can be found on PCCD's Active Funding Announcements webpage. Additionally, more details on PCCD's grants can be found in the Commonwealth's Grant Library. If you have questions about PCCD's School Safety Grants, contact us at RA-CD-SSSC@pa.gov.


The School Safety and Security Grants Program was originally established in 2018 to provide for school entities of the Commonwealth to be safer places for students, staff and visitors. The School Safety and Security Fund was established in the State Treasury to provide ongoing support to schools for safety and security purposes. Funding, eligible activities, and items are determined on an annual basis.

Past awards

Awards for FY 2023-24 school safety grants were approved by the School Safety and Security Committee meeting on April 24, 2024. 

The deadline for FY 2024-25 School ​Safety Grant Program solicitations closed on Thursday, September 26, 2024.  

When a funding announcement is open, it can be found on PCCD's Active Funding Announcements webpage. Additionally, more details on PCCD's grants can be found in the Commonwealth's Grant Library. If you have questions about PCCD's School Safety Grants, contact us at RA-CD-SSSC@pa.gov.


As of December 13, 2023, Act 33 of 2023 transferred the Targeted School Safety Grants for Nonpublic Schools Program, previously administered by the PA Department of Education (PDE), to the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) within PCCD. 

Grants are available to eligible nonpublic schools to address school violence and school mental health. Eligible uses include any allowed under 24 P.S. §13-1306-B(j) or programs that address school violence by establishing or enhancing school security, including costs associated with the training and compensation of school security personnel. 

Past awards

Awards for FY 2023-24 school safety grants were approved by the School Safety and Security Committee meeting on April 24, 2024. 

The deadline for FY 2024-25 Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program solicitation closed on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. 

When a funding announcement is open, it can be found on PCCD's Active Funding Announcements webpage. Additionally, more details on PCCD's grants can be found in the Commonwealth's Grant Library. If you have questions about this process, please email RA-CD-NPSEC-GRANT@pa.gov​ for assistance.


On November 7, 2019, House Bill 859 (or Act 83 of 2019) was signed into law, establishing a new program called the Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program at PCCD.

Act 83 directs PCCD to administer grants to nonprofit organizations who principally serve individuals, groups or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents as identified by the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics publication. Applicants are eligible for security enhancements designed to protect the safety and security of the users of a facility located in the Commonwealth that is owned or operated by the nonprofit organization.

PCCD has provided $25 million in funding to more than 580 organizations since its inception. Based on reported data of the number of people who visit these facilities, it is estimated that approximately four million people across the Commonwealth have been impacted by this funding to date.

Past Awards


School Safety Resources

On February 24, 2021, the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) adopted an initial set of "Baseline Criteria" standards that schools could use to guide their decisions about physical security and behavioral health needs. These standards were originally developed in 2020-2021 by a multidisciplinary Baseline Criteria Workgroup established under the SSSC.  They were revised in 2023 through a similar workgroup process and adopted by the SSSC in May 2023.

The Baseline Criteria Standards serve as a resource schools can reference to help determine their level of need.  All school entities should note that Act 55 of 2022 amended the School Safety and Security Grant Program process by requiring school entities to meet tier 1 (currently revised to Level 1) baseline criteria prior to expending eligible School Safety and Security Grant Program funding on other eligible school safety project activities. 


​Article XIII-B of the Pennsylvania Public School Code requires any school entity applying for a School Safety and Security grant under 24 P.S. §13-1306-B(j)(21) (i.e., trauma-informed approaches to education) to utilize a Model Trauma-Informed Approach Plan adopted by the SSSC. Applicants may utilize their own existing plan, provided it meets the SSSC's Model Plan criteria, or may seek funding to support the development of their own plan. 


Per Section 1302-C(c) of the PA Public School Code, a school entity or nonpublic school that has applied to court to appoint a school police officer (SPO) is required to submit a copy of the court’s order to the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) within 30 days of the approval of their appointment. School entities and nonpublic schools that have previous SPO appointment(s) should also supply their court order(s) to the SSSC.

NOTE: Public school entities that previously supplied their SPO’s court orders via the 2024 School Safety and Security Coordinator Annual Report/Survey or separately via email do not need to resend their orders.

To report the new order, send an email to the RA-CD-SSSC@pa.gov resource account with “School Police Officer Order” in the email subject line and the following information included in the email:

  • Name of school entity and AUN
  • Mailing address of the school entity
  • Contact information of the individual submitting the order
  • Date the court approved the SPO appointment.

Finally, please scan and attach the court order to the email.

Please note that all information reported here is confidential and not subject to Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know law.

Section 1319-B of the PA Public School Code mandates that public school entities report data annually on school safety incidents, including incidents involving acts of violence, possession of a weapon, or possession, use, or sale of alcohol or tobacco on school property. PCCD's School Safety and Security Committee is responsible for publishing a School Safety Annual Report each year by November 1 in collaboration with the PA Department of Education (PDE). You can access school safety incident data reported by school entities for school year 2023-24 on the Safe Schools Office Discipline Data Repository site.


School Safety and Security Assessment Criteria

On February 24, 2021, the SSSC adopted a revised set of criteria to assist schools in guiding their school safety and security assessment, which is a strategic evaluation of a school's facilities and programs used to identify potential safety and security threats.  Assessments are to include consideration of the safety and security of a school's physical environment, climate and behavioral health environment, and related policies and trainings. 

The toolkit below is a compilation of best practices and recommendations as developed by experts on the SSSC and additional workgroup members.

School Safety Assessment Provider Registry

On January 26, 2022, the SSSC adopted a revised set of criteria for new registrants with knowledge and experience in matters of school safety and security that qualifies a person to conduct assessments based upon the Committee's adopted assessment criteria. View Provider Registration Criteria.

If you are interested in applying to be included on the provider registry, please visit our School Safety Provider Registry Application webpage to submit your initial application for consideration by the Committee. School Safety Provider Registry Guide (PDF)

If you are a school entity interested in locating an approved provider, use our Provider Registry.


Section 1309-B of the PA Public School Code of 1949 requires the chief school administrator of a school entity to appoint a school safety and security coordinator who is responsible for a number of duties related to school safety and security.

    Appointment of School Safety and Security Coordinators

    School entities must submit the name and contact information of an individual appointed as a School Safety and Security Coordinator to PCCD's School Safety and Security Committee within 30 days of the appointment. Whenever a vacancy in a school entity's School Safety and Security Coordinator occurs, the chief school administrator shall, within 30 days of the vacancy, appoint a new Coordinator.

    School Safety and Security Coordinator Reports - 2023

    Coordinators are required to make a report no later than June 30th of each year to their respective school board on the school's current safety and security practices that identify strategies to improve school safety and security. Coordinators must also file notice of their report with the School Safety and Security Committee. This is required by Section 1309-B of the PA Public School Code.


    Training for School Security Personnel

    Training for school security personnel, includes school resource officers, school police officers, and school security guards.

    School Security Guard Vendor Registration

    Section 1315-C of Article XIII-C (relating to school security) of the Public School Code of 1949 tasks the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) with establishing criteria to certify approved third-party vendors to provide school security guard services to school entities and nonpublic schools. The School Security Guard Vendor Registration page provides vendor criteria, information to register as a vendor, and a the list of approved security guard vendors.


    Act 18 of 2019 amended the Public School Code of 1949 by adding Article XIII-E, Threat Assessment. Among its provisions, Article XIII-E requires the establishment of threat assessment teams for all school entities in Pennsylvania and tasks the School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) to research, develop and provide free threat assessment guidelines, training and informational materials, as well as model procedures and guidelines for school entities.