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Victims' Services Training

​The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Office of Victims' Services (OVS) provides victim service professionals and allied professionals with trainings, workshops, and networking opportunities that support and enhance the invaluable role that they serve in helping victims of crime. 

The Foundational Academy assists new victim service professionals funded by VOCA,  RASA, and VOJO with information to assist with their roles and job responsibilities as outlined by PCCD's Consolidated Victim Service Standards.

The Foundational Academy is a mandatory training for all newly hired victim service staff governed under PCCD's Consolidated Victim Service Standards. Agencies whose oversight organization is the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR), Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), and/or National Children's Alliance (NCA), will abide by the relevant oversight organization's training standard. These agencies will not be required to attend the Foundational Academy. 

This training is supported by a grant awarded to the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) by  PCCD.

This site provides online training for victim advocates at PCCD-funded programs and allied professionals whose work brings them into contact with crime victim populations.  The PVST courses count for PCCD training hours and courses can be taken as the learner's schedule permits. This site also has additional resources for executive and managerial staff to help them build the organizational capacity of Pennsylvania victim service agencies at low to no-cost and at their convenience.

This site is the only place that has the Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) Mandatory In-Service Training Courses online, plus other outstanding courses including investigating human trafficking, investigating missing persons with Alzheimer's disease, livescan fingerprinting, driving under the influence crack downs and prevention, fingerprint compliance, investigating sexual assault, investigating stalking, investigating strangulation, PA SAVIN, protection from abuse database, responding to a domestic violence call and suspicious activity reporting. This training is based on the latest instructional design and delivers a clear and consistent content.

PCCD sponsors a conference that provides an opportunity for victim service providers and allied professionals to enhance their skills, network, and rejuvenate. The conference is held every two years and allows for an opportunity to network with victim service and allied professionals (e.g. probation officers, prevention education specialists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, and law enforcement). Attendees enhance their knowledge base by learning new techniques and emerging issues used in the victim services field as well as strengthen their leadership, grant management, organizational capacity and recruitment skills.

The Governor's Victim Service Pathfinder Awards are the most prestigious awards to be bestowed upon Pennsylvania advocates and allied professionals within the victims' services movement.  Their inaugural debut was in 1999 and they have been awarded on an annual basis since them.  These awards are administered by PCCD's Office of Victims' Services (OVS) and are intended to show respect and appreciation for the efforts made by victim service advocates and allied professionals throughout Pennsylvania. Beginning in 2023, the awards will be made on a bi-annual basis to run congruently with the Pathways for Victim's Services Conference. The Governor's Victim Service Pathfinder Awards consist of the following categories: 

  • Allied Professional Award
  • Community Impact & Activism Award
  • Individual Direct Services Award
  • Individual Organizational Capacity Building Award
  • Individual Prevention, Education, & Outreach Award
  • Program Award
  • Survivor Activist Award
  • Posthumous Awared

For questions or inquiries about the award process, please contact RA-CD-PATHFINNDER@pa.gov.

The OVS Newsletter is issued via email every other week. The newsletter contains information about program and policy updates, upcoming trainings, job opportunities in the field of victim services and general national and state news about victims' services. 

OVC facilitates training through the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC).

OVC TTAC grantees, and cooperative agreements with partner organizations, to assist the field in building its collective capacity to serve crime victims. Some of the training topics available are Human Trafficking, Mass Violence & Terrorism, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Sexual Assault Response Teams, Legal Assistance, Elder Fraud & Abuse, etc. OVC also provides Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials to support children and youth during their involvement with the justice system.

The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute, the education and training affiliate of the Association, was founded in 1983 for the purpose of developing and providing educational materials and training seminars for District Attorneys. In addition to providing training and materials to District Attorneys and their staffs, the Institute also conducts child abuse investigation courses, case law updates and other training courses for Pennsylvania's law enforcement officials. PDAI also administers training to victim service professionals.