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PCCD Grants and Funding

Funding and Grants Process

This webpage provides information about current open funding opportunities, how to seek and manage grant funds, and related resources. It also outlines important fiscal and administrative requirements for organizations receiving grant monies from PCCD. 

Funding & Grants Process

PCCD initiates, validates, and makes financial investments in programs that demonstrate promise in improving outcomes related to the agency's mission and strategic priorities. The administration of federal and state funding programs is one of PCCD's core responsibilities. 


Open Funding Opportunities and Q&As

Links to any currently open PCCD funding opportunities, either in Egrants or on SurveyMonkey and responses to questions that have been asked regarding PCCD funding announcements. 

​Sign Up for Alerts

PCCD announces all funding opportunities on its webpage. You can use this link to subscribe to receive email notifications when these opportunities are available. 

Funding Streams

This webpage provides a summary of the state and federal funding streams PCCD administers that are awarded either competitively or through formula allocation.  

Grants Map

This interactive dashboard lists all grants awarded by PCCD, from 2012-present.

​Applicant Resources

This webpage provides links to walkthrough guides, documents, and other resources for organizations and entities interested in applying for funding from PCCD. 

Getting Started in Egrants

Learn more about navigating the Egrants system.

Register for Egrants

Click on this link to register for PCCD's Egrants System. 

Competitive Grant Process

This webpage offers a general overview of the process PCCD follows when issuing, reviewing, and awarding competitive grants to applicants.

Federal Funding Requirements

This webpage provides instructions for potential agency applicants and sub-recipients for federal funding related to various requirements, such as the System for Award Management (SAM), Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), etc. 

Grant Administration

This webpage features walkthrough guides and other resources related to managing PCCD grants on this webpage. 

Grants Financial Management

This webpage provides an overview of relevant guidelines and regulations that pertain to financial management of grant awards, including practices promoting fiscal accountability.  

Time and Effort Reports

Personnel funded with PCCD grant dollars are required to maintain Time and Effort Reports, regardless of the funding stream. This page provides more detailed information regarding this requirement, as well as links to resources and contact information. 

PCCD Federal Awards

If you know about waste, fraud, abuse, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or other similar misconduct, or whistleblower reprisal relating to a Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) employee, program, contract, or grant you may report it to the PCCD Fraud Hotline

Civil Rights complaints may be reported to the PCCD Civil Rights Complaint Coordinator by filling out the discrimination complaint form. Complaints will be forwarded to the Department of Justice Office for Civil Rights, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. Complaints may also be filed directly with the Department of Justice Office for Civil Rights. 

Gift Cards and Near Cash Items

If you have questions, reach out to PCCD Grants Management or contact the PCCD fiscal contact listed on your grant in Egrants. 

Incentives such as gift cards and other near cash items (e.g. bus passes, train passes, etc.) can present challenges in adequately safeguarding and sufficiently supporting costs associated with the issuance of these incentives.

Policies and Procedures are required to be in place to safeguard gift cards and similar near cash items funded with grant funds, regardless of the funding stream. In order to sufficiently support these types of grant-funded costs, the elements listed below should be included in a grantee's gift card and other near cash items policy:

  • Gift cards and near cash items must be maintained in a secure location.
  • Access and issuance of gift cards and near cash items is limited.  Positions/individuals authorized to access and issue gift cards and near cash items should be documented.
  • Gift cards and near cash items should be inventoried and reconciled on a regular basis.
  • The balance of gift cards and near cash items on hand must equal the gift cards and near cash items authorized and obtained.  If a shortage is determined, it must be reported to organization's financial officer immediately.
  • Gift cards and near cash items must be used for the purposes represented and budgeted for in the grant application.
  • Gift card and near cash item distribution must be adequately documented.  Documentation should include the following information at a minimum:
    • Date of distribution
    • Printed name and signature of person issuing disbursement
    • Printed name and signature of person authorizing disbursement
    • Recipient Name (printed)
    • Recipient Name (Signature)
    • Amount of gift cards and near cash item
    • Purpose of payment

Grant recipients and subrecipients must keep documentation to support all reported expenditures on file and provide it to PCCD upon request. PCCD will request this documentation when monitoring grantees for compliance. 

PCCD Grant Procedures and Forms